Interesting Video on Getting Salmon Where They Need to be to Spawn



Jan 28, 2007
The Salmon Cannon!

Not sure who will pay for it though since mining is more important now.
Very interesting.
I know the guy said it's not important how the fish get back down but it seems like a problem to me.
I've been inside the workings at Conowingo Dam and can attest that the turbines don't pose much of a threat to fish. Actually, in talking with cops, when someone drowns on the upriver side and passes through a turbine, the body usually is largely unaffected. The turbine blades are much farther apart than I thought before I saw the device, and it turns much more slowly than I had expected. Each turbine has a regulator on it so the axle spins at a fixed speed, which struck me as being relatively small. In any event, it is easy to see how most fish could pass through unmolested. Before I saw them in operation, I believed, as most people do, that they were essentially meat grinders and running an endless chum line. After seeing it in operation, I'm more inclined to believe the occasional fish gets crushed and ends up as catfish fodder, but most get through without any problem. Can't speak firsthand for dams out west, but it makes sense to me most fish would have no trouble getting through a turbine.