Inter-Library Loan Program



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
I am a big reader and mostly I love Military/CIA type fiction stuff. I live in Philadelphia which has an amazing library system and I encourage anyone who enjoys reading to take advantage of this incredible resource. As most of you know (or to some it may be a shock) Philly is not the state or country's hot bed of flying fishing. For that reason the Philadelphia library system while not devoid of fly fishing literature it is certainly sparse. About a year ago a read a post on here about a book written by Mr Miller (Bob, I think) on trico fishing. It is out of print and trying to get copies on Amazon seemed pricey. So I looked into the Inter-Library Loan program (ILL for short) and was amazed that I was able to get this book in about a week. It is a program where libraries around the country lend books to each other. I also saw a post in this very forum about a Borger book titled "Presentation". I just received notice from my library that it is in.

Guys (or gals) who don't have the spare coin to buy books, I encourage you to look into this program at your local libraries. It is well worthwhile.

While at PSU, I took full advantage of the Paterno/Pattee Library's fly fishing book selection. I read "In The Ring of the Rise", "Vanishing Trout" and others.

The closest town to me, very surprisingly, has a library. Though it's one room of a house. I highly doubt they have fly fishing books.