


Feb 4, 2010
Hello all,

I was out in Montana a few years ago on a guided trip when the guide gave me an awesome indicator to use. It was basically a small cork ball that was painted orange. It floated great and was easy to see. He told me that a buddy of his made them in his garage. Anyways, this guy Dave Mckee does indeed make these in the garage and I just found out that he sells them. I just ordered a bunch. Just thought I would share if anyone was interested in trying some new type of indicator. They come in several sizes and colors. Check it out:
I think I've seen them before. They are very similar to "Lightning Strike" indicators. They are foam and use a tooth pick to hold in place on the leader.

I imagine, you could use the small round lightning indy's the same way.
Actually, they look pretty sweet, thanks. I use thingamabobbers mostly when I use indicators. They are fine, but have a few shortcomings. Mainly, weight. If I try to cast them in the wind, they offer too much wind resistance and not enough momentum. The same was true on the water, if a gust of wind came, it just blew the indi around. Foam is even worse. Cork might be just the ticket.

And I'll never touch anything with secondary parts, like toothpicks, rubber bands, etc. I always lose whatever the part is. I like the loop style connections like these have, and thingamabobber has a similar method.
Pcray what size do you use ? I use the smallest size they make and not had a issue yet I find that the wind hiting my fly line ruins my drift rather than the indi .
What are the costs with the cork ones from Dave? Doesn't show on his site.
$1 each and about $1.50 shipping.

I use various sizes, usually the smallest that will support the weight. It's not a major issue for me. I go indi-less 3/4 of the time when nymphing, and even when I use an indi, the thingamabobber's only have issues in a heavy wind.
I dont really like the ball indicators, my buddy let me have a hard foam football shape indicator. Does anyone know where i can get them, or does anyone have any instructions on making them?
You can get the football shaped foam indicators at FFP in State College, they do mail order too. I'm sure plenty of other shops sell them as well.

Making them might be touch, its the little rubber thing in the middle that would be tough, it has to fit just right.
Yeah, i could just find a piece of rubber around my house and throw it in, rather then spending a few bucks, its being cheap but im poor so its all good :)
I make my own foam indicators. Just like the yarn ones with the rubber O ring... just cut foam into small strips, wrap around O ring, and either slip another O ring around it or use some heavy thread and whip finish it. Pretty easy and fits the cheap-o budget like I have.
they have the football shaped foam indis at french creek outfitters