Indian Summer



Well-known member
Sep 21, 2006
How about this gorgeous weather we're having?
Very calm, with temps reaching into the seventy's. And supposed to be like that for the whole week.
The last few times I fished during october, it was kinda breezy - and brought a bunch of leaves down - which covered the water surface for much of the day. And if I didn't catch a fish, I caught leaf. A real PIA
So I've been stashing a lot of my gear away for the winter already.
And got started on the winter honey do list.
Looks like that was kinda premature now though

Hope some of yinz guys are able to get out and enjoy it
Yes and wouldn't it be nice to have breaks in the cold weather, like this one, throughout the winter. It would make the cold temperatures much more tolerable if they were interrupted by warm spells. But the trees might get confused and start to blossom....
Yo dry - I was just reflecting that this has been one of the most gorgeous autumns in SE PA. The droughts and storms late summer had me thinking the colors of the trees wouldn't develop very well, or that the leaves would all fall quickly. Mother Nature fooled me, once again.

I think I'm getting sick. Sick of working on these beautiful days. I just might have to take off work tomorrow to recover.
greenghost wrote:
I think I'm getting sick. Sick of working on these beautiful days. I just might have to take off work tomorrow to recover.

I hear ya!

I took three weeks vacation in the spring for fishing - one in march, one in april and, and one in may. And the weather was lousy each time. ( along with blown out streams for the april week I picked)

I'm gonna reconsider some of that time off for the spring hatches. And save a week for fall next year
Getting several outside construction jobs with this great weather-Driveways, walls, steps. I hope to hit Erie a time or two before it turns icelantic. On the flip side , I got in 4-5 months of the best fishing of my life on the Henry's Fork, Madison, Snake. Almost too many to name. Time goes by so fast.
greenghost wrote:
I think I'm getting sick. Sick of working on these beautiful days. I just might have to take off work tomorrow to recover.

Seriously. Sucks its dark when I get home from work
steveo27 wrote:
greenghost wrote:
I think I'm getting sick. Sick of working on these beautiful days. I just might have to take off work tomorrow to recover.

Seriously. Sucks its dark when I get home from work

This. I have never been as bitter about daylight savings as this year. The god damned Great War is over.
Put the rods away and have been grouse hunting. Not very good weather for that
I usually spend this time of year hunting the early muzzleloader season and pheasant hunting. With this weather I put the guns away and got the small stream sly rod back out. Cant let an opportunity like this get away.