In Depth Tutorial on How I do my Craft Fur Bait Fish



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
This is just how I do it. Lots of ways to skin a cat. At the end of part two I discuss my thoughts on guys getting into tying and things to avoid as well. It was about 1:00am so I am a bit tired, but hope this can help anyone who wants to give it a go. I got my time down to around 10 minutes on one of these but think there is more room there.

Thanks for the look.


some pics for reference. any questions on the pics let me know. I tried to save them with a name that describes the process.


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I wanted to show the fly from the top view. You can see how the reverse tying gives it a nice profile from above. I should have rotated and looked at the bottom.

As I state in the video if when you tie them in you put a little pressure and rock it alittle bit it will help spread the "fuzz end" a 180 degrees around the shank of the hook and give you that profile.

As I State in the video I am not a pro, I just figured I could help some guys out who want to learn to tie. There are other ways to tie these I am sure this is just how I do mine.


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