Impaired Susquehanna?



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
This article was in today's Patriot News. I think that if anyone is going to get things moving on this it will be Arway, though Krancer is pushing back all the way (as would be expected).
Good link klingy - thanks.

Kudos to Arway for pusing this issue.
To be entirely honest, however, I'll confess my sympathy to DEP's position. It must continue to be emphasized that the cause of the bass problems in the lower Susky remains unknown. Until more research is completed and answers obtained, putting limits on specific pollutants may have no effect on bass at all (although it might be a good idea generally). It should also be remembered that, despite the views of many anglers about "pollution" and run-off from farms....the Susquehanna River is, generally, cleaner today than its been in decades and that no link has been made between pollution and bass decline in the lower Susky.
I was just talking to one of our contractors on Friday and he had been fishing up near Steelton on the river for bass, Had one 20 incher and several near that. He said it was a busy day as he caught a bass nearly every cast, many in the 10 11 inch range. Said it was like back in the 90's.