Immediate Attention and Action Needed



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
1,743 Penn State major source of pollution

Well you have my attention...what is the action? What land is it? how does this affect me and other flyfishers?

The article just sems to be a "letter to the editor" from Dan Shields. While the premise of the article, Public land for sale at less than market rates and without public involvement, is worthy of mention, I don't see any way for us to take action. None offered by Dan or you.

Look, so long as there are business interests in this state and country, pubic land is going to be targeted for development. And so long as outdoors folk take a reactive role, we will lose more than we gain.

Here is some action to take...

People need to get involved in their local municipal commissions and boards, County and State governments. People today are far too self absorbed. Sit back and wait for the next entitlement and someone else to do for them what benefits them. These business interests are out there preying on you, me and everyone else who is not vigilant.

Consider how much time we spend on trout streams for recreational purposes? How much time do we spend on conservation of those places? These "reactive" practices of activism are far easier to sbsorb some sort of self satisfaction and yet most do not get involved. Just wait and watch and fish and fish more. And bitch when the access, or habitat doesn't suit them. Then they move to another stream or river and suck the juices from it until it goes away. And so on, and so on...complaining all the way.

If everyone pledged to themselves to donate a few hours of their time to activism toward the issues surrounding our resources, we would be in a far greater position than we are today and where we will be tomorrow.


PS, I just read the second article...a "look how great Spring Creek is, lets go fishing" statement. Forget about everything I said...the hatches are better than ever. Just get on the bus, forget about us, and put the blame on me....You proved my point.

I wonder how many times TU chapters from the Burgh took bus trips to threatened desitnation streams to attend public meetings.
Geeezzz I see your point, the land in question is not mentioned in Dan's article?? It is a stretch of Spring Creek between the Paradise and Benner Spring known as "The Canyon" that has been closed to fishing for quite a long period by Rockview Prison.. That being said, it was proven in the last election that "GRASSROOTS" works, I would think the internet had a part in that action, get on the comp and email the politicans involved expressing your opinions. I can't see why the State did not retain ownership of the 1200? acres and just make it a wild and scenic area with no development??
Follow this link to a number of letters to the editor in the same newspaper:

I am searching for a more thorough news article explaining the situation that might point in the direction that letters should go. In the meantime, it looks like Benner Township, State Representatives, the Governor's Office and Penn State University are involved. Usually, state lands are dealt with through the Department of General Services and/or DCNR.

At the very least, wouldn't it be nice to have a stream corridor of say 25 feet along the banks set aside as an easement for fishing?

Here is a link that identifies the township government officials:

Also, scroll down the page linked below for a collection of information on the issue:

I'll post any other info I turn up.
The best solution would be for the land to be owned and managed by DCNR as one of their Natural Areas. They have numerous such Natural Areas around the state.

The current plan calls for chopping the tract up, Penn State owning some parts, Spring Township another chunk, the PFBC some other parts. That doesn't make much sense, from a practical management point of view. And makes even less sense from the point of view of conserving the natural features of the area.

Several people have already called for DCNR Natural Area solution, and that's the best plan. Like other DCNR Natural Areas, it would protect the area from development, while allowing people to enjoy the natural resources with walk-in, low impact recreation. Including fishing, of course! :)