if you had to pick 2 colors



New member
Aug 24, 2009
If you had to pick 2 colors of deer hair which ones would you get?I want to tie up some deer hair bass bugs but i don't know what colors to get.
I would get natural colors, since I tie more trout flies than warmwater bugs. I might add yellow, since it is good for big trout streamers.

If I had to pick for just WW bugs, I would probably pick bright green and black.
I'd just tie Gartside Gurglers 'coz spinning and packing that much deer hair sucks. :)

That said, the adage goes, "what's the use if ain't got chartreuse?"
Black and chartreuse.
I do not tie flies, but as a life long bass fisherman with mostly conventional, but lately flies to some extent, I would recommend black and white as they have been most productive for me over the years. The bottom of the fly/lure is most visible to the fish and I believe white imitates the light belly of frogs, while black /dark colors cast a better silohette(sp?) in low light conditions.
White and black.

And I second gfen's suggestion of using a Gurglur. Fairly easy to tie, effective and floats well. I can spin hair, but the convenience of foam has me tying more foam flies than hair flies. And no complaints from the bass.
Jack Gartside's original gurgler: http://www.jackgartside.com/step_gurgler.htm

His modified Double Gurgler:

I buy the foam at the craft store for like 99c a sheet.
its a great fly...I tie it almost the same for salt and fresh and is very effective.


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i don't think you have to limit yourself to two colors.i bought a huge grab bag of deer and elk hair in many colors from cabella's.it was very cheap.

some of my favorite colors for bass bugs are chartreuse ,red,orange,yellow,gray and natural,or a mix of all of these.

here's an example.more hair than you could use in a few seasons.
I picked up the fly tyers grab bag at Cabela's a while back and it usually has some brightly colored hair and feathers that are mostly not used by trout fisherman... they are however pretty good for bass and salt. For like $15 it will atleast get you started.
If only two, I'd use dark green and black, but I'd sorely miss the red at the front!
i'd probably go with chartreuse and then either white or black. I've also had very good luck with yellow here and there.
Shoot all the deer you can and then you won't have to worry about what to buy. There are plenty of deer out there, way more than we need.