identify this fish



Aug 20, 2012
caught this guy today but im having trouble identifying thinking its just a green sunfish but the blue lines on its head and body were very distinct/ i figure ide post it and see what you guys come up with


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What happens to sunfish that swim in the blue/green algae?

Have no clue really but interesting.
Yep - you have a green sunfish.
Pumpkin seed.
That is a Green Sunfish, the big ones (> 5") are awesome. Their mouth is proportionally even bigger than a Largemouth Bass. Unfortunately they seem prone to over population and stunted growth.
Here is an image of a green sunfish and the pic of the OP. they are NOTmthe same species. Notice the mouth of the green sunfish from PFBC extends to the eye, the fish in the OP does not. It is not a green sunfish. Unfortunately the pic isn't good enough for a positive ID but I think it's a pumpkinseed.


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That's a very poor color image. It's a green sunfish.

The pics below show the difference. The pumpkinseed is the upper photo and the greenie is the lower.


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Sorry Chaz, but it's a green sunfish.

edit, FI beat me to it.
I agree, definitely not a pumpkinseed
I am 100% sure that's a green sunfish, I catch them all the time. They are very aggresive fish and are a blast to catch, especially the bigger ones.





note dark spot at base of dorsal. only on the bluegill.
gfen, you mean like the dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin on streamerguy's pics? Do you contend that they are bluegill too? I don't recall ever seeing a bluegill with those blue/green lines on the side of the head either.
BelAirSteve beat me to it, I was just gonna ask that. There's a slight chance that last fish could have some bluegill in it, as green sunfish do tend to hybridnize with other sunfish species, but it is definitely not a pure bluegill. Bluegills don't have the blue/green lines or the orange on the fins.
BelAirSteve wrote:
gfen, you mean like the dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin on streamerguy's pics? Do you contend that they are bluegill too? I don't recall ever seeing a bluegill with those blue/green lines on the side of the head either.

I think he means its a freaking bluegill, who cares! :-D
Definitely not a bluegill or a pumpkin seed.

Chaz, my autistic nephew could color better than whoever did those pictures for the PF&BC. Then again, the PF&BC could be "trying" to depict a female. The only thing that they got about right was the shape which you entirely missed. Also look at the mouth.

Google something other than PF&BC. No idea why their fish identification pages are so lame. Was it done by Walt Disney?

Most likely a male green sunfish, and green sunfish do have the spot at the base of the dorsal fin.

Maurice wrote:
BelAirSteve wrote:
gfen, you mean like the dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin on streamerguy's pics? Do you contend that they are bluegill too? I don't recall ever seeing a bluegill with those blue/green lines on the side of the head either.

I think he means its a freaking bluegill, who cares! :-D

Funny you should say that - I know gfen's sarcasm runs about as deep as anyone's, and I normally do a pretty good job of detecting. I guess I was off my game a little!