Ideas needed for olive cdc


Active member
Jun 1, 2016
So on a whim and without a plan I bought a bag of olive cdc. Now I'm trying to work backwards to how I might use it beyond the typical cdc collar on nymphs. Any pattern suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the stuff I picked up. Probably a lifetime supply.

Split thread the CDC into the thorax (or make it the thorax) of a green drake with dark Dun catskill style up wings. It will be buggy and give a great profile from underneath.

Or tie it in by the tips as the body of a BWO with a parachute or Dun colored wing.

Great material!!!
Tie it in and wrap it up the hook as the body of a caddis then a like tie in a deer / elk wing . Looks like a good apple caddis color to me ... Lots of caddis options
Chop some up, mix with some Caddis green or chartruese dubbing and use it for apple Caddis bodies.