ID this Fly please



Jun 4, 2007
i was fishing a deep spot in the Bushkill like 5-6ft deep. These guys were all over the rocks on the down stream side of the hole.I would say they were a bigger than a eraser on #2 pencil but smaller than a dime.

There were a few fish raising up not sure if they were eating these guys or not. The trout were definitely coming fully out of the water after something not just sipping or breaking the surface with there backs. Full on attack mode was happening for the few fish raising.

Crane fly. Twitch or strip during a "hatch" may trigger ugly / violent strikes.

If I'm wrong on the I'D, I'll just guess 'bug'.
Hahaha. That's what I tell my buddy all the time.

Him- what is it
Me- I don't know some yellow bug with wings.
Him- well that's helpful
Me- well do you know what the F it is?
Him- nope
Me- then shut up its a Yellow big just put something yellow on.
^ My bug ID 99% of the time
The typical response when crane flies are seen.... "LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT MOSQUITO!!"
I'd say crane fly, but which Bushkill would be helpful.