Ice Nymph



Sep 11, 2006
Here is a picture of an "Ice Nymph" I took using a new camera. Really just testing the camera. The nymph uses ice dubbing.


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And a latex nymph LouM showed me how to tie. (Lou gets cranky if he doesn't get credit.).


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And an olive CDC emerger.


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Size 20 trico. Toughest focus test so far.


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that's my caddis that Lou copied.. the bum...
awesome patterns, mind telling how to tie louM's nymph/Sandflys caddis? That color on the abdomen is crazy
sandfly wrote:
that's my caddis that Lou copied.. the bum...

I was going to call it Steve's Caddis but I'm not sure just changing the hook size warrants a new name!
Got me into the inventing mood now, so i just tied a few new patterns.
Joe put a tail 2x the length of the hook on the Trico..
sandfly wrote:
Joe put a tail 2x the length of the hook on the Trico..

Good point. I was so focused on solving the wing problem on these I forgot the tail. I think I solved the wing problem. Previously on flies where I used this wing material were not very durable. But they worked great on ants and Tricos before the wing was damaged. Which was only a few casts. The wings were put on with traditional figure 8 thread wraps. On these I bonded the wings on prior to wrapping the figure 8s. I can tell these are going to be very durable.

Can't wait for Trico time on the LL.
Sandflea; You couldn't tie that fly if you wanted too and remember who taught you everything you know, almost!
How is the body proportion on this? I didn't notice the thin spot between the body and thorax until I took the pictures.


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I think you nailed when you saw the gap.

If you want a thinner body, don't be affraid to stretch the latex till it's really tight (it takes a lot for a ballon to break, or one of those gloves, or a STD/pregnancy preventer).

As far a proportions, if you filled in that gap with dubbing it would be dead on.

BTW it looks like a cased caddis crawling around.
Steve You need more taper in the body,stretch the latex at the beginning and use less tension with each wrap. Stop the body even with the hook point,Tie in case and dub back onto body if you do this you will not have a gap problem. If you ar still having problems we can go ovar it when our tying group meets. Or email me.
LouM wrote:
Steve You need more taper in the body,stretch the latex at the beginning and use less tension with each wrap. Stop the body even with the hook point,Tie in case and dub back onto body if you do this you will not have a gap problem. If you ar still having problems we can go ovar it when our tying group meets. Or email me.

Yep, this one was tied with much thicker latex than the others. It's hard to maintain the right tension on latex that thick on this type of hook. A few more ties and I'll get the kinks out.

"Most Anglers spend their lives in making rules for trout, and trout spend theirs in breaking them"
- George Aston

I think they all will catch fish, thanks for sharing.

flyfishermanj wrote:

"Most Anglers spend their lives in making rules for trout, and trout spend theirs in breaking them"
- George Aston

I think they all will catch fish, thanks for sharing.


Lou is a very talented tier in our local TU chapter who has been teaching me to improve my fly tying. I'm always open to his or anyone's constructive critique. I realize even my worst flies catch trout, heck I give the bad flies to my brother who then goes on to out fish me on em. Here is my fist shot at a mayfly spinner, olive in 16. It's amazing how you can see minor flaws once the camera blows up the detail. I thought this one was better but can see the bump in the abdomin. Sandfly, notice I remembered the tails.


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Wasn't trying to take anything away from the advice of the many talented tiers that take part of the site. Just trying to inject a little humor into the thread and to remind the others who read this thread that a fly doesn't have to be "picture perfect" to be a "good fly" to fish with. One shouldn't pressure one's self to tie a perfect fly everytime, because it's just not possible.

These are all nice flies that have been posted here. Again, Thanks for sharing.
