I Wish



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I wish some of you guys would write some non technical fly-fishing books, books of stories, ala Gierach. I like to read, but there are not many fishing story books coming out. The only ones that seem to be offered are ones about fishing techniques and flies, and I've read so many of them that they have almost all run together.

I think Bill Anderson, President of the LJRA, is working on one I'd like to read. I'd like to see books of angling tales from some people on this forum. F/Idiot, Troutbert, Chaz, Sandfly, and others should chronicle some of their adventures. I would certainly buy their books of fishing stories.

Speaking for myself - even if I were capable of writing a book, I certainly wouldn't have time to do it now. Working 40 hours - and often more - per week, just really wouldn't allow it. Maybe if I were retired, and had all of the time in the world.....

By the way, I did enjoy "The Trout at the Walnut Tree". Maybe you should consider writing another book. I'm sure you have a lot more fishing experiences that you could share with people.

FWIW - some of the forum members have blogs that they use to share their fishing trips with.
Do you think I can get a government grant to write one? I have a vivid memory and a more vivid imagination. I'm thinking of a title such as:

"Who Has Time to Fly Fish"

It would be categorized in the bookstore under "Inspirational."
Please check your PM rrt.
Thanks for the encouragement. You could write one too. So could RLeeP.

What "story" type flyfishing writing have you all enjoyed? John Geirach has already been mentioned, and is well known, but who else?

Read the Fly Fishingest Gentleman. Great book of a bunch of short stories. Hard to put down.
I really enjoyed "Memory Rising" by Charlie Meck , and "Days on the Water" by Mike Sajna. Both are a collection of short stories about the authors fishing adventures - mostly in PA.
Give Jack Ohmans' book, "Angler Management : The Day I Died While Fly Fishing & Other Stories" a read. It doesn't the sport too serious and you'll find a chapter you can relate to. Mine is " Spare the Rod".
I have all the books mentioned here except the Ohman book. I am going to put it on the list of things I hope my wife will buy me for Christmas! It sounds like a good read. Thanks.
Jack Ohman is a syndicated editorial cartoonist. Millions have seen his work in their local paper. His fly fishing cartoons are classic:


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Rich (rrt): I just sent you a PM...
Ever since my brother died I've been thinking about writing about growing up in a fly fishing family. Of course, it would just end up being some bland version of "A River Runs Through It', what with it being stories of my dad, little brother and me, being in a Presbyterian household, the little brother dying, just an East Coast 20th/21st centuy version with a little bit of punk rock.

I think the hardest thing about writing about fly fishing is coming up with something unique to say, or at least a unique way of saying it.
I got the PM. I will try to get to it. With my computer skills, you never know.


OK~! I'm sending you another PM with an email address for me in case I can help you with it or you have any comments, all of which I'd just as soon not do here...
I have been re-reading my copy of Thomas McGuane's "The Longest Silence." If there's a finer collection of fly fishing short stories I'm not sure I've read it. I have most of Gierach's books too. Also, going way back and even though it's not all fly fishing "Stories of the Old Duck Hunters and Other Drivel" by Gordon MacQuarrie is an absolute classic.
Mc- love McGuanes book. That and some Geirach my favs.
McSneek wrote:
I have been re-reading my copy of Thomas McGuane's "The Longest Silence." If there's a finer collection of fly fishing short stories I'm not sure I've read it.

One of my favorite collections. In fact I'm going to start reading it again.