I need a set of Renzetti Traveler jaws



Aug 31, 2010
I posted this in the Swap forum, but figured this might be a more targeted audience, so trying here as well.

I am looking for a set of cam jaws to fit a Renzetti Traveler vise.

I bought this vise online, only to find out after receiving it that it has the older screw type jaws.

I know I can buy a new set from a few different places for $75-79, but hoping to save a few dollars on maybe a used set in good condition. I looked at eBay, but nothing.

I need the standard set, not the midge sized set.

If anybody has a set to sell, or knows where to save a few bucks on a set, send me a PM please. Thanks.
you can still tie flies with the old style jaws. i did it for years :lol:

bite the bullet and buy the new cam jaws :-D
Yep, I've just been twisting that little knob, it still holds hooks just as good as anything. :)

And I'm afraid you're probably right, I'm going to have to just pony up for a new set, retail style.

But I'm hoping, that just maybe, somebody can turn me on to a slightly cheaper option.

If nothing turns up, out comes the credit card. ;-)
Let me know if you find a good price anywhere. I'm still twisting the little knob too. Geez that doesn't sound good does it?
Having a cam jaw vise and a double set screw vise, I wouldn't spend a nickel to swap out from one to the other. My main vise is a double set screw griffin. My traveling vise is a cam style Regal. Doesn't bother me in the least to turn a couple thumb screws 3/4 of a turn.

If your jaws are tight don't worry about it. It's a nice vise with either style jaw.
poopdeck wrote:
Having a cam jaw vise and a double set screw vise, I wouldn't spend a nickel to swap out from one to the other. My main vise is a double set screw griffin. My traveling vise is a cam style Regal. Doesn't bother me in the least to turn a couple thumb screws 3/4 of a turn.

If your jaws are tight don't worry about it. It's a nice vise with either style jaw.

True. I have a Renzetti Traveler with the screw set adjustment and have used it for a long time without issues. My other vise (Stonfo) has a cam. No big deal for one over the other. As Poop says, as long as the jaws hold the hook well. I wouldn't pay any amount of money to change it over if it's working properly.
You all are probably right (even if no fun :lol: ).

I'm a low production, casual tyer, so don't really "need" the cam jaws, but would "like" them.

Yes, these jaws hold just fine, so I'll probably just keep doing what I'm doing, unless I stumble across a great deal somewhere.

The $75-80 can buy lots of materials...
steveo wrote:

I'm still twisting the little knob too. Geez that doesn't sound good does it?

Yeah, let's keep this at a PG rating! :-D