I did it :-)



Mar 13, 2014
Well ladies and gents, I finally hit the 20" mark on a wild brown trout. I also am super excited because it was on the dry fly. I have had plenty of 17 and 18" fish however I just couldn't break that mark. Thank god for sulphurs and I hope everyone has as good of a day as I did on my last outing.




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Very nice!
And glad to hear you caught it the "proper" way.

Sulphers are the mainstay of my fly boxes for sure
They hatch everywhere - and for a long period of time too
Congrats on a big milestone.
I still recall how pleased I was to finally catch a 20" smallmouth bass on a fly after many years of persuing river SMBs and catching countless fish in the upper teens. Sure, it's just a number...but it is meaningful for us.

Very nice wid brown trout.
Great. Beautiful fish. Hope the next one comes quickly.
Awesome fish, Congrats
Thanks everyone! I'll be back out tonight since I have off work. Me and a buddy doubled up on 17" ers two days ago as well. Then he landed a 23" brown. Let's just say it's been some good days of fishing.
Nice fish.
Great catch!
Wow, nice wild brown! Looks a lot like a big west branch delaware brown. my biggest wild brown thus far was a little over 18".
Nice post and very nice brown!!! I'm not sure what the take looked like, but with big dry fly fish like that, the take is what always sticks in your memory... Get out there and get another one!!!
Awesome fish. Congrats. I still haven't cracked the 20" mark.
That's a beautiful wild brown! Congrats. The 20"+ wild brown continues to elude me. My best brown so far is 19".
Thanks everyone for the kind remarks!
That's a nice fish, congrats.
Nice fish! Congrats! I see you're from California, PA. Would this be a Southwest PA fish too?
Nice fish and I love that the photo captures that blue sheen over the entire gill plate. I'm stuck on many 21" wild browns; not a bad place to be but that seems to be my long running ceiling.