I caught my first trout on a fly rod today



Dec 5, 2013
A few streams around here had the early opener today and I took my fly rod out for the second time. I had been in the water for about 2 hours and was starting to get frustrated due to snags and a few tangles but then it finally happened. I was casting an olive woolly bugger to the left of the large rock in the pic and stripping it in against the current when an 18-19 inch golden rainbow came out of nowhere and nailed it. I've never caught a golden before in all the years i've been fishing. They usually don't bite anything and I was completely caught off guard when this yellow football came up through the rapids to grab my bugger. My only regret is that I didn't get to take a picture of him. Thanks to everyone that has helped me get started. I've been reading forum posts for months and I wouldn't have caught this fish today if it wasn't for all of the information i've gathered here.


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Not a bad fish to start with.

Congrats! It's a helluva kick, isn't it?

Now you have to shoot for the first one on a dry!
Congratulations Murph!

The first of MANY more to come!
Way to go!!
Now your hooked too.
congrats Murph, thanks for sharing.
Wheff, I was definitely hooked before but now I think i've swallowed the hook.
Awesome first fish congrats. Now don't go getting all spoiled on us now! :)
That's a pretty awesome fish to break you, eh? Congrats!
Congrats, you will always remember your first. Heck of a fish to break you in with. Nice.

Congratulations Murph. Nice way to start. I'll bet you're jonesing for more.
Congrats Murph, I knew you'd be catching fish in no time. Keep it going and stick with it even when its gets frustrating. Some of those days are the most rewarding when nothing goes right and you find every tree and create all kinds of knots but then you stay for those extra 10 minutes and catch one.
Martian - Well Said!
Congrats Murph! I really enjoy reading posts about folks catching that first trout on a fly rod. To catch one of that size for your first is a great experience for you. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Good stuff murph ... 1st of many to come.
Welcome, and Congrats.