i bought some things last night



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
So I stopped at my local shop and picked up a few things. Just enough to tie some elk hair caddis. Did my best at tying a few last night. Took them out this morning, and this brown thought it looked good enough to eat. http://db.tt/ZSrXYUMh so I guess now I'm a fly there.
Nice! It all starts with one fly....If it catches fish it was tied right. The fish has to think it looks good. Lets see a pic of the fly!
Congrats, that first fish on a fly you tied is a wonderful accomplishment.
Good for you. Nice fish. Now you have the bug. You will always remember that fish.

Nice job.

Remember - You just got a passing grade from the most important critic!

phiendWMD wrote:
So I stopped at my local shop and picked up a few things. Just enough to tie some elk hair caddis. Did my best at tying a few last night. Took them out this morning, and this brown thought it looked good enough to eat. http://db.tt/ZSrXYUMh so I guess now I'm a fly there.
Nice. It feels great to catch a nice fish on a fly you tied. :)
Good stuff phiend .. where did u get that fish?
I tried to take a pic but all I have is my phone and its pretty blurred and the hackle started to unwrap.
I caught it on the Little Lehigh. I really like fishing there.
Congrats on the accomplishment! It's a good feeling fooling that first trout with a fly you tied.
good job phiend. keep tying, bobbins up.

btw, I fished a different section of the little Schuylkill last weekend, found some great water but not many fish or maybe they were waiting for Canadian thanksgiving.
Great job , nothing replaces your first.
Well done Phiend, it's a wonderful thing to experience . The first fish on your own creation is a powerful thing to have happen cause now your gonna start buying tying materials like crazy. You'll end up with more than you know what to do with.You know you should stop, you even consciously consider it but you won't be able to. It's great! Congratulations again...
Very nice!!!!!and i have to echo what the other folks say about the thrill of catching a fish like that on somethingYOU made with your own hands......FUN HUH? WAY TO GO!!!