I-80 to be a toll road?



Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
This one is new to me. I don't have a dog in this hunt, but I found it interesting. I'm betting a lot of anglers use this road.


My gut feeling is the majority of the funds raised by these tolls should be used to fix the roads in the surrounding areas not in the major urban areas far away from this highway. when talking commuter traffic, the locals will be impacted way more. The Post Gazette argues that this is not true but then only talks about numbers of registered vehicles. They are arguing apples to oranges. They need to look at who actually uses that highway and how often, not the number of regestered autos. When talking about registration fees, then you look at number of registered vehicles. But in this case, it is not the same argument.

I'd bet the premise is to target the truck traffic. Short distance auto traffic is inexpensive and or alternate routes could be taken without much loss in time or aggrivation.

PA is a major thru-way for interstate commerce. One trip across the state on I-80 and you can see all the trucks getting a "free ride" compared to those on the Turnpike.

I predict I-81 will be next...talk about a truck fest.

It's just another way to tax the truckers....

One day soon....trucking will be replaced by rail transport. and the rails to trails will be converted to trails to rails.

A little side trip. When trucks and SUVs became popular, they generated a huge amount of cash for PennDot because of the significantly higher license costs, anyone ever hear where all that cash went or any stating that there was additional income?
Not to get political here ;-) , but fast Eddie will do anything to make a buck. He's already saddled us with gambling. Now it's make 80 a toll road and lease the turnpike out to a private company.

If they need more money for road repair, which apparently they do, I wish they would just use the straightforward approach of raising the gas tax. They always have to try and come up with clever new revenue streams...
I would also add that in the wake of the Minneapolis Bridge collapse, we are learning...(the inspectors already knew) the the US infrastructure system is in disrepair. It won't be long before many of the bridges and tunnels are deemed impassable without the proper funding and repair.

Lets just hope the money isn't squandered.
I work in the trucking biz and this has been a topic of conversation for a couple months now. Many trucks use the road to escape the tolls on the turnpike. Although my trucks and custumers won't be too happy about it, I don't think its a bad Idea. I look at it this way, If they really need the money they are going to find some way to take it from us. This way alot of the money will coming out of the pocket of out of state drivers, not just pa residents. Who knows what they will do with the money though.
I pay to travel to West to East and East to West over the lower half of the state, seems to me others can do the same to travel across the upper half. As for selling or leasing the turnpike, I'm against it.
Where did the money go? My first guess would be that a considerable amount of it went to political hacks, pardon me, highway consultants.

Neat operation. First you use tax funds to build the HW, then you charge (really a tax) them to use the HW that was built with your tax money. All this in addition to the Fed. and State taxes that are being collected on fuels.
Just another way our politicans have faliled us, they are more interested in the "goody goody" things like sports stadiums and illicit midnight raises and obscene pensions than taking care of necessitys, like roads.
The big question is where is Eddie going to spend all the money the sale brings in? My bet is SEPTA. In a few years (if that) it will be gone and the next gov will be talking about a tax increase to fix the roads.
Here is a photo of a bridge near Nanty Glo taken when they were trying to tear it down.

This bridge was built by my grandfathers company in the early 1900's.
Maurice, I agree the target is interstate truck traffic. That is why I said "when talking commuter traffic" because that will also be impacted.

When I lived in Connecticut, I-95 was a toll road to pay for the highway and bridges. not a bad idea. When they were paid for, they removed the toll booths. I think I still have a bunch of tokens around someplace. Maybe they are worth something. :-D
Just to be clear. I didn't say I was for or against the toll. I guess a lot of it would boil down to how the revenues are distributed. I don't think it should all stay local, but I would like to see the proportion match what is actually local travel. If a disproportionate amount would be going to Pittsburgh Philly and Harrisburg, then I would be against it. Besides, since I-80 is often used to avoid paying tolls on the pike. if tolls are added to I-80, a lot of the truck traffic will use the turnpike (reducing truck traffic on 80). Local traffic would become a larger percentage.

Just a few thoughts.
PA is loosing money on 76 due to the change in freight and trailer manufacturers. Freight coming out of the ports of Jersey is down considerably and trailer manufacturers are down on production. 3 of the major chassis companies are on the verge of going out of business. It is cheaper for a company in VA to purchase chassis from china, have it shipped to CA, and then pulled the whole way acrooss the country. That is sad!!!!!!! The ports in Jersey are also very slow. Most products these days come from china and surrounding areas and are brought into the ports of CA. With lack of freight coming out of the northeast PA is loosing truck traffic. If you ask me thats not a bad thing, just makes my job harder. The bigger trailer manuf. in PA are in Brookville, Berwick, Danville, and ST. Clair. You can pretty much avoid the turnpike no matter what the destination is from there. If 80 becomes a toll road it will be alot tougher to avoid them. If 81 becomes a toll road it will be almost impossible. I must say I am not against making 80 a toll road, but like most I am concerned on where the money would go.
Farmer Dave,

Years ago, on the old BB, I thought that you mentioned that you were collecting tolls on the road that crossed your vast property. Am guessing that's the reason you have that huge inventory of tokens. None dare call it token laundering!
Naaa, the toll has always been beer, but not a bad idea though. :-D
In most instances I don't hink under the road truss bridges are the way to go, unless you put profit ahead of everything!!
All its gonna do is push all of the long haul truckers down to I-70.
It's not going to happen. There were already two congressmen from PA that submitted bills to the federal government to stop it. They will lose the federal funding for the road. This all happened before the bridge fell. The money was going to be used to pay for the failing transit system in Philadelphia. The rest of the state will pay for those who do not own vehicles and choose to live in the city and ride a bus. I grew up in PA, spent time in New Jersey and I have seen both sides now and know that the money is going to Philly. The bridge fell and they are all going to fall. I took a ride back to the hometown near Ebensburg this weekend and I see the state is finally getting wiser and puttiing asphalt down in place of concrete. I normally don't agree with Bush, but the federal government provides the money, before raising taxes, tolls, etc., the state should start looking at where they are spending their funds properly.
JasonM wrote:
I normally don't agree with Bush, but the federal government provides the money, before raising taxes, tolls, etc., the state should start looking at where they are spending their funds properly.

I'm in total agreement with you on this comment.