Hydraulic Fracking



Feb 13, 2011
I'm in high school and in bio we have been learning a lot about drilling for marshellus shale. We also watched a video to about a man who made a documentary that lives by the Delaware rivers. He went up to the Susquehanna basin and was talking to people effected by drilling. They also said that they will just pour left over chemical waters into near by streams and rivers. This made pretty concerned about wild trout populations and big rivers/fisheries also many people. How many of you have been affected by drilling or think it may affect some of the streams/rivers you fish?
Kudos to you for taking an interest in this issue and studying it in your school. Have you checked our Conservation forum? There has been a lot of debate and some well informed and well argued threads from both ends of the spectrum on this issue. Most of our discussion of this issue can be found in the Conservation forum.
Dear Matt,

I urge you to read up on it and form your own opinion. I'll only say that mine has been formed so I won't try to influence you.

I will say that it does me good to know that someone your age is learning and thinking about something other than the cell phone apps.


Tim Murphy :)
water quaity is down on some streams, siltration, noise from trucks, accidents, some areas the smell of diesel all the time. the shaking of the ground from seismic charges all over the mountains. I have seen a decline of fish near where wells are going in.