Humerous catch and release



May 11, 2007
So was fishing my local stream yesterday and the trout were taking caddis off and on most of the time. First real dry fly action I've seen around here but the fish were super drift sensitive even though not too picky about fly selection.

I was already having a banner day when I moved the truck to a section of stream where I haven't fished for a year or so. The rises were sporadic and sometimes it was a long time in between takes. The pool was shallow, clear and painfully slow.

Got a good drift over a riser that was close by and missed him on a good take. Missed him again, and a third time even though there were bubbles and the fly disappeared in it's mouth. "Almost like there is no hook" I thought, and sure enough there wasn't. Replaced the fly with a cdc bow tie caddis (16) and caught a nice Brown on the second drift. Not the first time this has happened and probably not the last.
I missed a few while fishing a Red Quill during the Hendrickson hatch a couple of weeks back. When I quit, I found the tippet neatly tied in a knot around the point of the hook.
At least you had a fly tied on, I've spent time on the other side of that mystery.
i recently took some guys out and this exact thing happened. size 20 cdc BWO that had caught a few already. Switch hands to the next guy and he misses two fish. we jazz him bc his hooksets have been TRASH all day. Then we look, hook point gone LOL thats a nasty trick to keep locked away for the friends trip
Not the first time that has happened to me especially when fishing small. Funny how rising fish can cause you to forget basics that have been ingrained over the years.