How's everyone's 2018 going?



Oct 12, 2016
It's been a while since I've been on the forum here, but started to check back in lately. In my off time, well, I've been fishing A LOT!

I'm having a hell of a 2018 so far and we are just getting into April. Tons of fish, but I figured I'd share some of my best of the year so far. All wild brownies.

Feel free to share your 2018 so far as well!


It's been kinda meh for me.

Between bouts of the flu, colds and just plain cold weather, I haven't been out as much as I would have liked. When I did get out, I caught fish, but didn't have any spectacular days. For the first three months, I don't think I caught more 20 or 25 trout in total -- there have been years when I've had that many by the end of the first week in January.

Sunday was the first day I caught (low) double digit numbers; probably the latest in the year for that mark in at least a decade.

More wild browns than anything else, some stocked rainbows, and one wild brookie.
Generally a bust thus far.

SWPA has been very soggy and the waters have been running high most of the time.

Fished a few new tiny streams with not much success.

Lost a giant on a articulated streamer on Spring Creek
during high water but also caught my first fish of the year- 8 or 9 inch brown.

None on dry fly yet. Hopefully soon.

The Lil J cleanup day this Saturday may have snow.
Agreed SWPA has been cold and wet. I was out last sunday, and everything around ohiopyle and confluence was ripping. Worst of all, it was freezing cold.
Been a pretty lousy start for me also. Mainly because of the weather.
I've had a few good days. But more often than not, it's been just too cold and snowy for my tastes.

Hopefully, things take an upturn soon. Although the forecast isn't very good
Hadn't even given fishing a second thought until this past weekend. Unfortunately, I got the mother of all flus. I've been in extreme pain and averaged 16 hours of sleep per day. Finally feels like it might be weeks before I head out.

Weather has sucked anyhow.
I've gone out 3 times and got skunked 3 times.
Not breaking any records, but when fishing in the winter (and it's still winter, as far as I'm concerned, calendar be darned), I just enjoy being outside, and fish are bonus. Only have a couple dozen fish that I've greeted, but that's 24 more than I would have seen if I had been sitting on my butt on the couch. I'm hopeful the precipitation continues and the temps stay lower for a bit, although I am weary of these nuisance snows. A whole winter and only one snow that I consider legitimate.

Would have been on Spring today, but the forecasted wind and cold front going through caused me to skip the trip to State College.
I've only been out once and that was actually a lot of fun considering it was late afternoon on "opening day." Our weather has been on average about ten to 15 degrees below median and it is getting tiresome! Our local streams are already dropping below average flows in this our "rainy" season. I'm cranking out some nasty looking jig flies though, and hoping to get out again soon. Won't know how to act when it hits sixty again!
Thanks Sasquatch. You make me feel a little better.....very little. I have been out 4 times and skunked 4 times, except for 1 fall fish.
Those are some beautiful fish and beautiful pictures. Wild browns have always been my favorite. I got out once about a month ago; snow, ice, and raging water; I couldn't even get off the bank. It was nice to get out though and sure am ready to get after them now!
Wow! I accuse you of posting pictures of alligators photoshopped to look like brown trout. Nice pics!
My worst start since I retired 12 years ago. I have not gotten out often, and I have had only a couple of what I consider good outings. Lots of reasons, but I think the main one is that my skills, as they are in other areas like basketball and turkey hunting, are declining.

As my brother-in-law once noted, "I woke up one day, and I was old." I hope you young bucks enjoy being young while you are.
Pretty sucky. All of a sudden I can't catch steelhead. Been out five times and can't even get a bump.

Now I just heard the rest of April and early May is going to be cool and wet. Smallmouth season may start slow in northeast Ohio.
I haven't been out yet... Even though I live within a 15 minute drive of both the mighty E-Lak and Wal-A-Knut, I don't steelhead any more. If I want that kind of experience, I'll just go to the Mall.

Other than my traditional small stream wild trout haunts in NWPA and an occasional trip to Potter/Cameron/Clinton for the same sort of fishing, my Wisconsin years pretty much ruined me for Pennsylvania trout fishing. The PA limestones are simply too busy for me to feel comfortable.

I've always thrived on exploring the next novel thing (novel to me anyway). That and solitude are a big part of the reason I fish. So, the main thing I'm excited about this year is figuring out subsurface largemouth fishing with a fly rod in the local lakes of which there are a proverbial pile within easy driving distance. I bought an NRS Pike IK and am just waiting for it to quit snowing long enough to make it worthwhile blowing it up.
Two trips out to my local lake (not trout stocked) for pan fish. First one was great, second was a bust.
Now working 50+ hrs/wk and 2+ hr daily too bad and too tired to try.
Hoping to make the Jam!
Unfortunately cold. Been out a couple times with some success. Seems like its been hit or miss for the natives this year with the cold, at least for me.
Spent 2017 bringing an old farmhouse back to life knowing that the small stream that runs thru the property was a tributary to class A waters. Somehow managed not to fish it till conditions were right. The planets aligned early February and I called off work and headed out. The prior night stayed warm for the season and a heavy rain accompanied it. Perfect. Ended up with 9 beautiful wild browns.