


New member
Feb 10, 2014
I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I've been Fly Fishing off and on for a few years. My pops and I are self taught. The learning curve was kind of large for us. Nevertheless, we can catch an occasional dummy trout...haha.
My interest has kind of fluctuated mostly due to not being able to share the experience with others. My pop is less interested in catching fish and more interested in getting out once in a while with me to cast (he really enjoys the fluidity of casting). However, he's never really been as obsessed as I have at points. Also, I tried a few times to convert my spin-casting buddies without too much success...probably because I wasn't productive enough on the stream to win over their approach to catching trout. Thus, I put it away for the most part the last couple of years.
Good news is one of the guys I attempted to covert(without my knowledge) picked up the fly rod and also got his brother hooked. I've been out with them a few times in the last year. I picked up some new gear and a fresh case of the obsession. I attended the outdoorsman show in Harrisburg this past weekend, and I attended a casting workshop. Loved it and learned a lot.
I've been reading the forum posts for a while and finally decided to create a profile and get involved. I saw the thread about the Jam in May, and I knew this was the perfect way to meet other fishers and hopefully push my pop down the slippery slope towards the trout obsession. I already reserved an RV site at 7 Mountains Campground.

Anyway, that's me. Hopefully, I get a chance to meet some folks in March at the Jam in Allentown area and then in Lancaster at the show.
Welcome aboard, maybe we'll run into each other at the show or the Jam.
Welcome to PAFF. This is a great site to help keep your enthusiasm peaked. Lots of experience and a lot of good folks on here.

Welcome to the jungle!
Howdy back atcha!

FWIW, djs12354 isn't actually Axl Rose. ;-)
Thanks all!
Welcome back to the sport. When I first started, I bet I went about 3 years before I fished anything but alone. I do enjoy going with others now that I have experienced that as well. In fact to get to the best water from my locale, it literally pays to have a buddy or two to split gas and/or driving.
Welcome aboard.GG
hello I am a newbee also.i hope you can make it to the jam,i am really looking forward to it .I know you'll like this site ,I am so glad that my friend Gencon told me about seems like every body on here are top shelf,and the type of guys that are fun to fish with.i think we will learn a lot at the jam. welcome