How/why fly rods break



Feb 13, 2009
Never broke a rod while in the act of fishing.

Car doors, ceiling fans, etc. are more common. General stupidity is by far the most common method, and we're all subject to bouts of it.
pcray1231 wrote:
Never broke a rod while in the act of fishing.

Car doors, ceiling fans, etc. are more common. General stupidity is by far the most common method, and we're all subject to bouts of it.

Ceiling fans????
Ceiling fans are rod killers. I never had it happen, but it seems too easy.

I have broken two in the act of fishing, and countless others in the acts of walking, rowing, unpacking, etc.

One to a screen door and one to to just random fishing. I had a snag, I gave it a mild tug, and the first section folded on me.

Yep, ceiling fans. Doorways are tough, specially storm doors that don't stay open. But you're generally prepared for em. You negotiate the door successfully, and then let down your guard figuring the danger is over, and lift the rod tip. But you forgot about that spinning blade near the ceiling. Like a mower, and your rod is a blade of grass, lol.. Lesson: Never put together a rod indoors, and never take one indoors without breaking it down first.

Same thing with cars. I've made the mistake of assembling the rod before putting on the waders before, you lean it against the car or something, it slides into an open door, which someone will inevitably shut. Lesson: The rod should be the last thing you get out when going fishing, and the first thing you put away when done.

Another one is being stepped on. Put the rod down to tie a knot, or to climb and retrieve a fly from above. Fishing partner comes bopping up and doesn't see it. Snap....

Walking. Letting the rod lead you, and then the end catches on something while you keep walking. Or, if you're letting it trail you, a snake guide catches on brush and rips off as you keep walking...

And while fishing, the most dangerous time is when casting in brush. Your backcasts were fine, but on that final power stroke, the rod strikes that limb....

Chuck and duck with heavily weighted flies. You duck, the rod doesn't, and the heavy weight hits it squarely as it comes forward.

I've done a couple, and came close on all of them. But this is how rods get broken. Not by simply lifting too hard. Sometimes the final breakage occurs then, but usually the crack was already there from something related to stupidity or clumsiness.
Also, not really related to breaking them but just as important:

Make sure your rod is assembled and lined for the walk out. Otherwise, you will lose a tip section or something without realizing it and be totally screwed.
I have broken 3 rods. One while lifting a bass out of the water ala Bass masters, one while trying to reach to remove ice from the tip top, and one while loading a tv into my trunk (didn't have a rod case).
Ceiling fans-yes,they are in every southern home and probably the no.1 southern rod breaker-lol
I really laughed when I saw someone surprised by them...
I was steelhead fishing in January and slipped on some ice. Both feet in the air over my head, next thing I knew I was on my back. I got up, the rod looked ok so I cast it out and I noticed a problem with my drift. I pulled the line in and noticed a little stick caught at the end. I brought it close to get it off and found that it was the top 4” of my rod. No warranty… it sucked.
I broke one rod but not in the act of fishing. My fly was caught in some branches above me. I was trying to save the fly and did, but at the expense of my flyrod. I stepped on it. It was one of my favorite rods at the time, a made in the USA Diamondback. I sent it in for repair and they made a new tip at no charge(shipping only). I even told the fella it was my fault and they still repaired it at no charge. Cortland and Diamondback=Great warranty!
I'm the grand champion rod breaker as far as I know. I broke a tip-top off by hitting an overhanging limb while casting. Broke a rod landing a trout. Broke one tugging on a snag. I broke a salmon off and the split shot came flying back and cracked my rod (it broke soon after). Tramped on my son's rod that he left on the bank while I was fighting a steelhead. I also had one smashed by a closing car trunk.

I always bring at least two rods on a fishing trip...
Albatross- You sound like my dad.

I think rod companies should send their new rods to him, and if they last 3 months with him they get a lifetime warranty.
I had a brand new rod break once in the act of casting. Didn't even snag anything, it just snapped in half on my backcast. Two of my rods have a lifetime warranty, and I've broken each twice. I've broken rods from falling on the stream, tree snags and underwater snags. I concluded that the repetitive stress of casting big flies at night was compromising my rods, and bought a dedicated night-fishing rod to handle the wear and tear. This actually seemed to help quite a bit.
albatross wrote:
I'm the grand champion rod breaker as far as I know. I broke a tip-top off by hitting an overhanging limb while casting. Broke a rod landing a trout. Broke one tugging on a snag. I broke a salmon off and the split shot came flying back and cracked my rod (it broke soon after). Tramped on my son's rod that he left on the bank while I was fighting a steelhead. I also had one smashed by a closing car trunk.

I always bring at least two rods on a fishing trip...

Rumor has it that Bruno has witnessed most if not all of these. lol
ryguyfi wrote:
albatross wrote:
I'm the grand champion rod breaker as far as I know. I broke a tip-top off by hitting an overhanging limb while casting. Broke a rod landing a trout. Broke one tugging on a snag. I broke a salmon off and the split shot came flying back and cracked my rod (it broke soon after). Tramped on my son's rod that he left on the bank while I was fighting a steelhead. I also had one smashed by a closing car trunk.

I always bring at least two rods on a fishing trip...

Rumor has it that Bruno has witnessed most if not all of these. lol

I take a few extra when I go out with alby :) He may run out.

Inebriation has been a factor in all of my rod breaking moments.
I had a brand new rod break once in the act of casting. Didn't even snag anything, it just snapped in half on my backcast.

That rod had to have some unnoticed cracks in it from some other incident, which then slowly grew with your repeated stress of casting big weighted flies, till it finally gave way. This is not uncommon, but the root cause was whatever put those cracks in it in the first place.

The same is very likely true of those who broke rods on snags and landing fish, that is, unless they did something stupid like hold the rod halfway up the blank instead of at the handle.
I know if you sit on them they will break and put a J in the tips section, but I got lucky when a couple got run-over.

Joe E