How to land big fish

Cool video, not so sure I would be dropping an H3 in the water while hooked up with a big fish though.
Too funny!!
That's pretty much me on anything bigger than a 6" brookie.

:lol: :lol:

Looks like me when I was a little kid without the rod. Looks like some god swimming techniques. How strong is that tippet surprised it didn’t break off for how many chances it had.
Solitariolupo wrote:
How strong is that tippet surprised it didn’t break off for how many chances it had.

He said he was using 3x, so probably around 8 lb test.
I've gotten excited over trying to land a nice fish, but this guy takes it to a whole new level!
The same FFer from the first video redeems himself in this video about fighting big fish in small water >

redietz wrote:
redietz wrote:

He said he was using 3x, so probably around 8 lb test.

Sorry 2x, so more like 11 lb test.

Didn’t catch it thanks. That’s why he was able to grab the line like that without it breaking right away. Boy he got lucky for how many chances for that fish to get away.
I must say, you got me on this one! Had full intention of getting educated on the subject....Great video!!
Hook anything larger than a 7" stockie, get excited, fall in the water, throw my rod at the fish, fall in the water again, run downstream, swipe at the fish with your net like it's a fly swatter . . .

Yea, pretty standard day on the stream for me. Really didn't learn anything new from this video . . . :)