How to get to Kistler Run?



New member
May 18, 2020
Hey everyone! I live in Vermont and am down in the Poconos for a week. I fish almost every weekend I can, and now that I have a whole week without work, I want to take a couple of days to fish some local streams. I was very interested in Kistler Run, as it looks small and secluded, one of my favorite types of streams. But looking at satellite images, I an unsure is to where would be the best place to access this stream. I happened upon this site and figured I'd drop an inquiry, see if I got any bites (ok, that was lame, I know). I don't mind a decent hike, nor do I mind getting wet or dirty. I was really hoping a friendly local could point me in the right direction as to where to access the stream. I can walk the stream to select a spot once I reach it. Parking is not much of an issue, as I will be on a motorcycle and can even just push it off the road and out of the way.

Thanks in advance! I can't wait to see how the fishing is down here!
I’m not sure how to get in to Kistler, I think it’s a feeder for the Tobyhanna so you might look for that confluence and go up from there. The Tobyhanna itself should be fishing well at this time.
Doesn't Kistler cross Rt 423 near Lake Naomi near the town of Pocono Pines PA?
You know, I was thinking about Tobyhanna creek. But it's massive. Not being from the area and not knowing the layout of the land, I have no clue where to start and would probably end up spending the whole day driving to various access points and hiking around before moving on... I know myself. My brain says "This may seem like a good spot, but what if there's a BETTER spot a half mile upstream? Or near that other access I passed a few miles back?" And I'm like, "OK brain, let's go."

Sometimes I'm a mess lol. This is why I love the tiny little remote streams. There's usually only one or two ways in, and then I spend the day wandering up or down the stream, trying a spot for an hour, and moving further on. I get more fishing done, it's more relaxing, and there's just something serene about being all alone, away from civilization, with nothing to distract me save for the various critters going about their business. I do some of my deepest thinking just standing on the river bank and working the line, or while taking a break and just watching the water. But, I digress.

Another member mentioned where it crosses 423. I will head out there today and see what it looks like.

No offense to you nice folks here in PA... But you guys have horrible roads. In many places, it's a constant game of "dodge the potholes and don't dump the bike in the process."
I'll head down there today and see what it looks like. All I need is a nearby area of road that is somewhat level with the surrounding terrain, that isn't private property or otherwise off-limits, where I can roll my bike off the road and park it. Even if it's wooded, as long as I have space to wheel a motorcycle in.

If I can find a spot (and that usually isn't hard) I'll scout around a little today. Perhaps bring a rod and a mini kit and try a few casts.

Edit: huh. I thought I was replying to individual posts. Still learning how your forum work here, sorry everyone. I'll report back later.
Park where Kistler meets Toby along 423. Fish upstream on Kistler. You can fish upstream as far as you want as it eventually turns into a swamp.

Bring royal wulfs, bug spray, couple beers to dunk, and a chainsaw. Have fun!
I saw the signs warning of live ordinance. It was a good trip, though I only caught one brown trout that was too small to keep, and I caught him in tobyhanna creek. I had ended up going way out, then came back and tried my luck where kistler meets tobyhanna creek. Tobyhanna creek is beautiful btw. I plan to go again today but focus more on tobyhanna creek, as Kistler is very low right now.