How to catch a smallmouth bass (video)



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Step 1. Get fly line and leader tangled around rod tip.

Step 2. Drop fly in the water while you are untangling your mess. ***THIS PART IS CRUCIAL*** Be sure to pay ZERO ATTENTION to the fly as it sinks toward the bottom.

Step 3. A bass has probably come along and hooked itself by now, so go ahead and reel it in!

Thought some of you may enjoy this little video clip from the Potomac River yesterday. This was literally the only fish I hooked during my 3 hrs on a rental kayak! Toward the end of that time too...probably means I should have been dead drifting flies all morning.

Link to youtube

That's funny. I've caught them before several times walking upstream with my fly line towing behind me in the current. When I go to strip in line to start my next cast there's something pulling back.
Hey still better than the skunk, plus you learned a new casting teqnique. I'd call that winning.
That's one of my favorite techniques cept I haven't caught a fish with it yet. Guess I need more practice.
Yep. It happened to me a couple of times.... I call it a great finish to a bad start. :)
That video is great. It's better to be lucky than good in virtually any sport. It also looks EXACTLY like the way I caught my very first bass on a Clouser minnow. That day was also my very first time throwing an 8-weight and I, too, got tangled on the tip. After screwing around untangling it, I lifted the rod up only to feel the line go tight. Sure enough, fish on!