How much rain?



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
The USGS that I rely on in Blakeslee tells me that it rained over 3.5 inches. The cfs shot up from less than 100 to almost 3,000, and the gauges height went from less than 1.00 to well over 5.0 ft.

That is a lot of rain overnight. I wasn't anticipating this from my forecast. It looks like my fishing trip will be spent playing with my Garmin Instinct watch learning how to use the GPS in the woods.

How much rain did everyone else get?
Site I use...

iweathernet Rainfall Totals

Lets you pick intervals ranging from 1 hour to 72 hour totals (radar estimated). Click a spot on the map and it will give you the total.

To answer your question, in the last 24 hours I got 0.44 in. Typical PA Summer pattern with Tstorms. Some places get pounded, some places get missed.

This site has Blakeslee at 3.2 in or so in the last 24 hours, FWIW, so pretty close.
Great site Swattie, thanks so much.
That is a really good resource thank you. Also 3.2" isn't even fair. sorry canoe :(
My mother-in-law lives in Scranton and they got clobbered. I like in Berks and we got nuttin'.

Bottom line Lititz ain't Blakeslee... ;-)
Yes, I biked along a short stretch of the Legigh this evening and I was surprised at how high it was based on the limited rainfall that we received last evening. Upstream areas must have been pounded. The good news is that it was not very turbid. My immediate reaction was that this is quite timelyfor the rivers trout fishermen if, as I was assuming,:the water temp dropped.
The streams were getting low. This rain freshened them up.

Yesterday evening I fished a local stream just a few hours after the rain and had good fishing, on dry flies.

Before the rain the stream was so low that I wouldn't have fished it.

This rain will help a lot for this weekend's fishing.
I am at my Rod and Gun club as of this typing. The water is dangerously too high to fish, and the gnats and mosquitoes are biting. I can buy cigars where I buy beer and keep them controlled.

There are no wasted weekends for me at my club. I can always find an outdoor adventure even if it isn't fishing.
I drove by the Lehigh at Jim Thorpe today, and that river was ripping! I don't think they'll be doing any rafting this weekend.
We got about 3/4" Just north of Coatesville,; freshened up the West Brandy but it wasn't even muddy. Waiting for the temps to drop before I hit it again.
so long as you have cigars and beer it'll be a fine weekend. enjoy friend.
Monroe County goes Green on Friday. We can sit at the bar again instead of out back. I like t.the bar especially since the owner treats me like a local and not a tourist.

We already have a bird hunt planned for this fall.