How can I imitate algae for carp?



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
My buddy has a pond with way too may grass carp in it. The pond is constantly coffee with cream.

Now, he realizes the pond needs the silt removed as the carp stir up the silt constantly. I can walk around the pond and see 15 or more "stirring up" the silt while looking for food. my question:

Any patterns that would imitate small algae? I can't find anything when doing a search.

BTW, I've tried "carp flies" with no success. These fish are smarter than your average bear!!

I've taken a few out with some bow-fishing, and that "educated" them to stay away from the shore. I found that kind of amazing that they now know enough to stay away from a food source.

Algae fly pattern anyone???
Should be some simple patterns out there just check out YouTube.
Thanks Solitariolupo. I've done probably 100 searches and never came across that video. That's what I'm looking for!
Are you sure they are grass carp? I don't see many grass carp here in PA, usually just common carp. When I lived in Florida the grass carp always hung out under the banyon trees eating the berries that fell in..if there are any mulberry trees, raspberry bushes, etc near the pond I'd try some sort of berry fly.
Thanks! That is an easy tie...worth it even more if they hit it!