How are the fall stocking going?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Anyone know how the fall stocking is going?

I have not been to Meadow or Dunbar in S.W. PA for some time but I can't image they have the water levels to permit stocking. Anyone one if some of these have been pushed back a week or 2? I think we get rain next week.

Might head out to one of them Thursday. Paul
Ours got moved to next week.
Well, here is SE PA the streams are extremely low and slow moving but they are still stocking them and rain is not in the extended forecast. It's also forecasted to get rather warm for this time of the year. I don't know what goes into the preperation of stocking trout or rescheduling stockings. I would imagine a lot of people would be involved and it would be tougher to get volunteers. Only good thing is that I fish some of the DHALO streams where people seem to take more care of the fish when playing and handling them. However, I am going to pennypack today and expect to see a lot of bloody fish....I really wish they would designate a section of this stream DHALO at least in the fall when it's cooler...
Not sure about any of the other WPA streams, but I know Neshannock got fish yesterday. Even with low and clear conditions, there must have been enough water to put them in. The State, fly shop and TU chapter are pretty good about taking care of that section of stream. I'm sure it's seeing it's share of action today and will do so through out the week. The weather's too warm for me to want to get out there, I'll just wait until it cools off.
The PFBC website is usually pretty current on rescheduled dates. I assume they are dumping fish in barring any information to the contrary. The weekend forecast looks more like August than October! :-o
I thought that last year with Meadow/Dunbar, and they still got fish. I think the stocking is tommorrow(Not Sure though?)
Laurel Hill and the Yough were Tuesday, Loyalhanna, Indian, Meadow, and Dunbar were scheduled for today (Wednesday).

Here is the list PFBC Fall Stocking List
The Little Maho was also scheduled for Wednesday.

We don't normally have to worry too much about thermal issues on the western end of the state because most of our fish don't make it through the summer anyway. With temps forecast in the 80s through the weekend and low water, I don't think it will be safe to fish for these new stokies. I imagine they'll get pounded anyhow.

Be nice to these fish guys, they are all we have till March...
Fished Dunbar today 10/7 from 9-1. I haven’t ever fall fished for trout... though I’ve fished for years. I had noticed a bunch of ugly trout that had white patches on their body, missing chunks of skin, and some had abnormal white growths. :( There were a handful of health looking fish, nice girth and color, but their dorsal fins were kind of limp. I’m not certain if these were recently stocked.

I fish this creek in the spring and the fishing commission normally stocks a lot of fish. Of course the spring water is definitely higher and colder. I wonder if the stocking was rescheduled, or perhaps the fall stocking is simply a smaller stocking.

The waters were quite low, which was not a surprise. I caught about 6 (4 on top, 2 on the bottom). Strangest thing I had noticed were the fish acting territorial biting and chasing each other.

Can anyone comment of fall stockings and if/how they differ from spring?
Do you normally see a bunch of diseased looking fish in the fall due to a rough summer?
What’s up with the fish being so aggressive towards each other?

I used a floating inch worm, small deer hair caddis, peaking caddis, and red brassie. I had no luck with a hopper pattern. What are your fall patterns?
Yea alot of the fish are beatup. In my recent videos and pics you can see theres alot of missing scales parts with big white spots. Also alot of fish i seen had a blind eye it looked like. funny thing is the holdover fish ive seen have not a mark on them, but all the stockies are the torn up ones. My favorite patterns are eggs, weenies, various nymphs and san juans.
i wonder if they stocked the wissahickon.caught a brown there last week but it appeared to be a holdover.the stocking chart said rainbows only.
other than that i haven't seen a single trout there,or heard of anyone catching one.
yes the wissahickon was stocked with rainbows. I've heard from some people who were present for the stocking that there were few put in. I also know a few people have been taking well over the limit of 3. Sometimes a few browns are sneaked in but as far as I know only rainbows were put in.
New to the site. Was at the wiss fishing around valley green. Caught a few nice rainbows and a brown. This was prior to the weekend. Went back this week and couldn't find/see a fish the whole section.. Going to try out pennypack tomorrow.(friday) let you know.
I plan on doing a tour of SWPA DHALO's tomorrow. Get it in now cause we always loose a couple of days due to leaves in the water. Then after that it starts getting cold. This is what alot of us have been waiting for since July!
Pennypack didn't fish to well yesterday, in fact they did not put in many fish at all. I fished there for a few hours yesterday and the water was real muddy. A few fish actually turned bottom up after a few minutes and floated downstream. In my experience the spring is better fishing on this stream.
Its "Fort Ligonier Days" this weekend, so its likely there will be traffic around the Loyalhanna.
The trout are beating on themselves mostly due to the spawn instincts and what it does to them. It should be the males for the most part. I've witnessed the same activity in the last week on Fishing, Spring, Clarks, and Yellow Breeches creeks.
Some of the marks are just from being handled or fighting within the tight confines of a hatchery.
the Pennypack fall stocking was delayed,not due to low water and high temps, but due to the truck breaking down. It was going to be stocked on Thurs Oct. the 11th

well i fished 2 spots along pennypack today(oct 12) caught a total of about 20 fish as did 2 others that i saw hands on. Fish were a bit smaller than the ones caught at the Wissohickan. msg me for the spots. will be going back over the weekend. gl