How are conditions at the Francis E. Walter Dam?



New member
Feb 11, 2019
I'd like to travel up from Bethlehem to spend an entire day fishing near the dam. Any tips or information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.
On my last trip to the Poconos, which was 2 or 3 weeks ago, I observed that the entrance to the dam off of 940 was closed. I will drive by it next time tomorrow.
I just drove by and the road looks open.
I've fished the Lehigh in the gorge but never above the dam. What's the river like up there and are there good access spots?
There is a dirt road on the west side of the reservoir just past the ranger station that runs down to the river below the dam. There are some other access locations between there and White Haven but you need to know where you are going. White Haven would have the next best access location.

Its nice water, very rocky like the gorge.

FYI - its a big Whitewater release weekend coming up, so you may want to pick a different weekend to try it out.
Don't they close the gate to the tailwaters on October 1st?
See link. There is a release scheduled for this weekend >
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be there Friday afternoon so no problem. Will probably fish somewhere between Rockport and I-80. Really looking fwd to it.
have you fished at Blakeslee?
Have not fished in Blakeslee
I was there today and road over the dam was closed. Not sure when it will be opening.
I was there yesterday and there was a Road Closed sign but it was not directly in the middle of the road.

I saw a car drive through and then I followed them. I made it all the way across the dam. This was at 6 pm and all of the road equipment was shut down for the day. YMMV.
Projected flows:

Saturday 01:00 hrs. 2000 cfd plus inflow

Saturday 13:00 hrs. Matching inflow

Sunday 01:00 hrs. 1200 cfd plus inflow until reservoir returns to winter elevation 1300ft. ( currently estimated at Sunday 13:00 hrs)

Sunday~ 13:00 hrs matching inflow.

From ACE Flow Mgmnt plan
When I was up there Cubic Feet per Day might have been more accurate. :)