House Bill 2154



New member
Jun 10, 2007

I wanted to share some info that I received today from PATU regarding HB 2154, which I think will adversely affect us all, no matter what tackle we fish with.

Main points of the bill:

Act 13, which passed with bipartisan support in 2012, modernized Pennsylvania’s oil and gas laws for both “conventional” operators, who have been drilling vertical wells in PA for more than a century, and “unconventional” drillers, who use horizontal hydraulic fracturing to tap deep shale deposits.

SB 1088/HB 2154 would roll back these updates for the conventional oil and gas industry and largely return Pennsylvania to policies enacted in 1984. TU is concerned about provisions in these bills. DEP is working with industry to craft rules for the conventional oil and gas industry under Act 13. TU believes the current process—not this legislation—is the way forward.

General background

In PA, “unconventional wells” are hydraulically fractured (“fracked”) horizontally in the deep Marcellus shale. But a form of hydraulic fracturing is also used to stimulate traditional vertical “conventional” wells. The major difference is that conventional wells generally use far less water at lower pressures. Both conventional and unconventional wells produce wastewater that flows back up with the oil and gas. In the case of the conventional operations, this is mainly brines.

TU's concern is that if wastewater associated with conventional drilling is not handled, treated, and/or disposed of properly, it can find its way into our streams and harm wild trout populations.

The bill could potentially take us back to the 1970s regulatory era, which seems to me the wrong direction. And, as the bill moved through the house very quickly, and is currently under review by the senate appropriations committee, there seems a need for an expedited response.

As the God's Country TU Chapter president, I was asked to contact our state senator and convey my concerns about the bill. I emailed and called Senator Scarnati, and asked our chapter members to engage as well. I'm passing to the Paflyfish community, in the hopes that you might reach out to your state senator and encourage him or her to kill this bill.

Many thanks,
C.C. Felker
God's Country Chapter of TU

Update: With only one legislative day left on the calendar, it looks like the bill will not get to the full senate, let alone go through the required 3-vote process.

Doesn't mean that the bill is dead; it will have to be reintroduced in the house next year, and the process will have to start from scratch.

Many thanks to all who contacted Sen. Scarnati and his fellow senators.

C.C. Felker
PATU Chapter 327 President
Thanks for the heads-up and keeping us informed.