Hot Spot Fox Squirrel Nymph



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
During the colder months of the year I like to fish slightly larger, brighter nymph patterns. This is due, generally, to lower water clarity and higher flows as well as fish being keyed on slightly larger year class nymphs or multi-year bugs like golden stoneflies.

Anyway, in keeping with the hot-spot fad in euro nymph design, one can have some fun experimenting with this in traditional patterns like the HE or PT nymphs.

As a long time fan of Dave Whitlock, I have always admired his flies and artwork. His Red-Fox Squirrel Hair Nymph, which he popularized years ago, has been a favorite of mine ever since. In this case, I've added a hot pink spot...but otherwise, it's pretty much the same old Whitlock pattern. Here's the specs:

HOOK: Any nymph hook from about #14 up to about #10

TAIL: Red fox squirrel guard hairs

BODY: Red fox squirrel underbelly body fur

RIB: Gold Ultra-wire (or anything else)

THORAX: Red fox squirrel guard hair and dubbing fur mix, tied "in the round" and picked out

HOT SPOT: Pink chenille - two turns behind the thorax


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    RF Nymph.jpg
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I like it. I have been adding more and more hot spots to my nymphs. One of my winter favorites is a prince nymph with a hot spot collar.

That is a good look on the Red Fox Squirrel Nymph. I have also enjoyed researching, tying and fishing many of Dave Whitlock's patterns over the years. I can also understand why you like his artwork, seeing many similarities in both of your styles of artwork.
I like it Dave, I've found pink to be a good color for hotspots.
A great buggy lookin fly, no doubt will catch lots of fish. Would look good with a bead too
That's a good lookin fly right there. I don't use pink for my hot spots but I will have to try it out. Good luck.
Thats a nice looking fly there.

And Jack likes pink... :lol:

Pink tags work great.