Hot off the bench



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
Suggestions on a name for this fly and or suggestions on improvements?
I think you might of overdone it for the more natural look, but looks like it could be a killer caddis immitation
I tie a similar pattern from something that I saw at a fly shop and it was called a "candy caddis" because of the ice dubbing for the thorax.
Name for that fly?

How about "R.B.H.D." = Really Bad Hair Day

Looks neat - bet it catches fish..........
No improvements needed , looks good the way it is , how about "bubble up" i think that would be a great fly to lift {surfacing caddis pupae}
take the bead off and add an antron tail as the shuck and you could have an emerger too.
put some frogs fanny on it and get that air bubble, should be a killer
telefunken 747