Horseshoe Midge



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
I'm reading Charlie Fox's Rising Trout. He mentions a pattern called the Horseshoe Midge, but doesn't give a picture or recipe. I was wondering if anyone has heard of it. I'd really like to see a picture if you have one. I didn't turn anything up in an internet search.
It is a variation on the zebra midge:
Mentioned in the book Dan Shields put together of George Harvey's writings, interviews and patterns.

Mr. Harvey tied it in the mid-thirties for the Paradise. Very few people thought to use very small flies and they were very effective. Also fast and cheap to tie, and he would catch trout in front of people and sell them flies. Fox named it the horse collar nymph based on the chenille collar.

Called the Horse Collar Nymph in the book.

Hook: Short Shank # 18 or 20

Original was all black, then he added light olive and white versions.

Body:quill, or floss, or very thin dubbing. For the black version he also lists thread body as an option.

Collar: fine chenille of the same color as the body, although it looks like the collar on the light olive version may have been a darker olive than the body.

The fly photographed for the book has a sparse tail of what looks like hackle fibers of the same color as the body, though no tail is listed in the recipe.
DGC Thank you, I'll look for the book.

Jack, your variation looks like it would be very effective in deep plunge pools. I'm thinking that you'd want to sight fish with it. You know, get a good idea of where the trout is laying and then throw the thing at 'im. You'd probably have to hit 'im right on the head with it to be effective.
I have seen some midge emergers tied on a caddis hook with a small tuft of cdc on both ends. When fished, the cdc stays in the surface film while the body sinks below. Maybe this is the mysterious horseshoe fly.
If anyone is interested, there is a description of the fly (with a picture) and the presentation that George Harvey developed. It is available through Google Books in a book called Nymphing