Hooks for crystal meth



Mar 9, 2007
What are you guys using for crystal meth flies? I tied up several on Bass Pro's White River WR-069 curved hooks. They looked great, got a couple hook-ups but had some problems. During the course of the day I broke 2 hooks and straightened about 5 or 6 others on snags. Fortunately all 3 of my lost steelhead were a result of broken knots (as it should be).

Just curious what everyone else uses and how they perform.

Standard shank nymph hooks. 1x or 2x strong if I have em.
Mustad 3906 #14 is what I tie my Sucker Spawn with, you can get them from FishUSA in 100's for $9.95. Since I have them I generally tie my Crystal Meth on these as well. If I don't use the Mustad 3906, then I go with TMC 2457 or equivalent.
I tie most of my yarn egg, and SS on scud hooks. They're extra strong and have a good hook gap. Plus they're short so you don't have a lot of extra hook on either side of your single eggs. Just a preference. I use sz 14 and 10's. I mostly fish the 10's and have never straightened one on a fish. I buy dai riki's.
I will second Ryan's Post.

If one of those scud hooks would bend. . . It would have to be on a real monster. My dai riks are prety thick. I love them, I have caught small browns on the same eggs used for the steelies.

Definately a great choice.
Do you guys have a model number on the dai-riki's?

the hook i am using has a nice scud shape, the wire is just too weak, i used size 10 also.
I use the 135's and I buy them from this guy on Ebay.

Same for me. I bought 300 from that dude on ebay.
nice thanks
I've actually been moving away from Dai-riki hooks because I've had more than a few straighten out on me as well as having the hook just break at the bend. It's happened at least a dozen times though I didn't pay close enough attention to see whether or not they came from the same box of hooks.

Could have been a bad batch but I'd hate to lose the fish of a lifetime due to a hook failure. Just lost my confidence in Dai-riki.
I use the Tiemco 2457 for both Crystal Meth and Sucker Spawn, it's a 2x heavy hook. If you don't want the 2x heavy then I believe the 2487 is the standard model. Cabela's Model 25 seems to be identical to the 2457, I can't tell the difference between the two.
TMC 2457's for reason's mentioned above.
I tried the TMC 2488H (Heavy) which gives you a slightly wider gap because of the straight eye but found that I lost more fish during the fight.