Hook storage help



Well-known member
Sep 30, 2014
Lehigh Gorge
If this belongs in the tying section please move. How does everyone store their hooks at their tying bench? I have yet to find a " good" way. Currently I store hooks by type in their original box or folder in a small plastic bag and store the bags in a large plastic bag.

For instance, mustad 94840 size 12 thru 22 in their original boxes. Those boxes go into a baggie labeled 94840. That baggie in a large bag. Not the best and I still find myself rummaging.

Your solutions most welcome.

Glass baby food jars. Label them appropriately.
I use a few different boxes fr hook storage. These boxed can be labeled with a sharpie. The sharpie can be removed with rubbing alcohol if needed.


THis one has paper in the lid for labeling: https://www.bearsden.com/product10359.html

Back in the 70's, I bought a larger version of something like this and it has served me well:


Then, rather than actually writing on the face of each drawer, I just use press-on labels to ID the contents. This allows you to change your mind and do a re-org as often as you wish..

If you get one, I'd shop for it in person, even if you end up buying online. You need to eyeball it to make sure the drawers are large enough to do what you want. I'm not going to bother measuring them for the purposes of this post, but I think my drawers are about 8" deep by 3" wide by 2" high. This seems to work pretty well for all but my larger hooks.

Something like this works good for me. Can pick them up at local CVS or Wal Mart

$3 plastic desk organizer. Two big slots, top opening lid, three slots. Holds about fifty tools, all my beads and hooks (prob a thousand), and I can see what tool I need in the top slots instead of looking for it.

Second top slot gets one little bag of each size and shape hook and bead. All extras get their big slot drawer. Use up a bag, replace it with one in the drawer.
I have a drawer with a two baskets in it the hooks I open I leave in there packs and go into one basket and the ones unopened go into the other. I like to save my packages. When I run out and like the hooks I still have the package to find them again if my store doesn't have them.
I use two of these...

Mike B

Well I'll be darned, can't figure out how to get whole link hot.
Called Umpqua Hook Oregon- izer though.
Tried to post the link too, but won't work. If you type it as listed in Skeet's post it will work
Skeet6 wrote:
I use two of these...

Mike B

Well I'll be darned, can't figure out how to get whole link hot.
Called Umpqua Hook Oregon- izer though.

You can try to copy link and click on the link button (the first button in the posting window ^). Paste in the link, click and type in the name of the link you choose and click OK.....like this:

Oregon-izer Hook Box

Great! Not sure why I didn't see that before, but thank you! Test link above...

Mike B
Thanks all. Lots of great ideas. Now I need to make a decision. Hmmmm
I like to use these for my salt hooks and etc,
I tried PenKev's amazon purchase method and I agree with him this is a great way to store hooks, best I have run across
duckfoot wrote:
$3 plastic desk organizer. Two big slots, top opening lid, three slots. Holds about fifty tools, all my beads and hooks (prob a thousand), and I can see what tool I need in the top slots instead of looking for it.

Second top slot gets one little bag of each size and shape hook and bead. All extras get their big slot drawer. Use up a bag, replace it with one in the drawer.


Beads and hooks in the drawers, big tools in the top box, tying tools stand up in the pencil slot, ready for grabbing.
I use several of these little boxes I bought from Harbor Freight.

I usually just cut the part of the label from the bag of hooks that has the size and description, and put it in the box with the hooks. I have 3 sets of boxes, one with bass and streamer hooks, one with dry fly and standard nymphs, and one with scud hooks and other miscellaneous hooks.

I still keep my beads, cones, and dumbbell eyes in their original packages, separated by material (tungsten in one section of a divided drawer, brass in another section, lead eyes in another).

I have heard of people using baseball card organizers in a binder. Seems like a neat idea, but my system has been working, so I haven't tried it.
Thanks for the heads up on that HF set Jeremy. Just what I needed.

Our local (Chambersburg) HF had them in stock.