Hook selection



Active member
Jul 18, 2010
Trying to keep things simple, I'm easily confused
I'm thinking of getting Allen's nymph/dry and nymph/wet hooks in various sizes. Is the compromise in hook design detrimental?
I guess I'm more concerned about the Nymph/Dry. They seem to diametrically opposed.
i wont get the 200r's rather have the 2302 it has a better gap . if they say they are for both it will mean they have the same wire gauge for strenght ie dryfly standard wire or fine depending on manufactur then wet nymph more then likely 2x heavy or standard depending on manufacture . for a hook selection i would say standard dry hooks ie 100's then 5262(or 3761) for nymphs(10-16) if you want to tie wets ie soft hackles get a few 3769s but mostly in the smaller sizes(or use the 2288) and finally for the small flys get the 2288s better gap then both the dry hooks and nymph wet hooks. remember 2288 are curved so you will have to do some esitmation as to how small you precive them to be . reason i left the 2302 out is with the 100s and 5262(or 3761) you will fill that void however you could get away with just haveing a large accompliment of 2302s some 2288's but i would feel kinda pinched also relying on dry wire for nymphs not always the best idea
poor guy is really confused now I think....LOL
Yeah, I am. Thanks for the help, though. I appreciate it.

Can you help, Sandfly?
is the compromise in hook design detrimental?
I guess I'm more concerned about the Nymph/Dry.
No, you might want to add a small amount of lead for nymphs to compensate the lighter wire.

the point might be a little more brittle for nymphs also. I have never used his hooks, I still have thousands of older mustads to use..If the wire is like the sabers I sell at times then the points are more brittle..
Use them and enjoy...
I too don't like to have a lot of different hook models.
I have standard dries, standard nymph/wet flies, 1x long nymph(for bead heads) and curved hooks (caddis and 3x long). Oh and streamer hooks too.

I get lost in all the reference numbers and hook types. And my lack inventory really hasn't effected the number of fish I catch.
yea guess i hurt more then helped . id say have one dry hook one nymph hook one curved hook and streamer hooks . what i was trying to get at accually instead of being very confusing is that different hooks are better suited for different applications
I too don't like to have a lot of different hook models. I have standard dries, standard nymph/wet flies, 1x long nymph(for bead heads) and curved hooks (caddis and 3x long). Oh and streamer hooks too. I get lost in all the reference numbers and hook types. And my lack inventory really hasn't effected the number of fish I catch.
Good Advice here. I fell prey to the plethora of types of hooks.
Thanks for the clarification.