hook question



Apr 11, 2010
does burning material off of hooks weaken them?
This depends on the temperature, how long the hook is heated and how quickly it cools. It would depend to a huge degree on the process you use to burn material off the hook.
Hasn't had a side effect for me, yet.
Yes it can....if the heat exceeds 700 it affects the hardness , tensile , ductile and other properties of the steel , a better way is just run a sharp razor blade lengthwise along the hook cutting off the old material and it's quicker and less mess. I have a jar of recycled flies that when it gets filled i clean the whole jar of flies at one sitting and re-use the hooks as needed
I would imagine (as noted..) that above a certain temperature, the heat can alter the properties of the steel.

I use a twin-bladed disposable razor, the cheapest ones I can find at Walgreens or WallyWorld. They aren't any good to shave with anyway, but they'll clean up a hook in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
Yes Had it happen to me.
thanks for the replies. i did burn off about 10 flies. im hopeful that they wont break. but the way i flyfish i wont have to worry about losing anything anyway! i will take your advice RLeep and cut them up now!

edit* even though it was pretty cool watchin em flame up! hahaha