Hook and Hackle sale



Sep 9, 2006
Not sure if this is the correct place of if it is even allowable, but I just got off the phone with the guys from Hook and hackle and they are getting rid lots of fly tying material at 50% off. Had some trouble with the web site so I ended up calling the order in.
Good guys to deal with.

Tight lines,
I deal with them quite a bit. Always happy with them!
Ron Weiss (owner of H&H) is a super nice guy and an extraordinary (and rather renown) rod builder, fly caster, and all around excellent angler. He won't give you advice unless you ask, but if you ask, his comments are certainly worth hearing.
Sounds like they're going out of the tying supply business. Not a good thing.
Hook and Hackle has been going to the Penns Woods West cabin fever show - which is tomorrow in Cranberry.
I'm going, and will definitely check them out if they're there
redietz wrote:
Sounds like they're going out of the tying supply business. Not a good thing.

I could be wrong but I believe they had a sale similar to this last year. They always have sales at Hook&Hackle which is one reason I love to do business with them. They almost always seem to have the lowest prices on the rod blanks.
I talked to them at the show and they are indeed going out of the materials business. Sad but it makes sense with the online mega stores
drakeking412 wrote:
I talked to them at the show and they are indeed going out of the materials business. Sad but it makes sense with the online mega stores

Wow. Disappointed to hear that. Bought a lifetime supply of chartreuse chenille from them many years ago. Have not tried a green weenie here in the west yet.
drakeking412 wrote:

I talked to them at the show and they are indeed going out of the materials business. Sad but it makes sense with the online mega stores

That's too bad.

Another example of people bypassing their local shop to save a few cents with some faceless corporation. In the case of H&H though, they were still usually cheaper (or at least competitive), but everybody's first thought nowadays is the huge websites.

How many of those online mega stores were available at Cabin Fever to chat and answer questions?
drakeking412 wrote:
I talked to them at the show and they are indeed going out of the materials business. Sad but it makes sense with the online mega stores

That stinks...I always threw in a couple of fly tying things if I was doing a small order for my rod building just so I could get the free shipping. They didn't have a ton of stuff but they had enough and they often had some odd ball materials that others didn't carry.
ColdBore wrote:

That's too bad.

Another example of people bypassing their local shop to save a few cents with some faceless corporation. In the case of H&H though, they were still usually cheaper (or at least competitive), but everybody's first thought nowadays is the huge websites.

How many of those online mega stores were available at Cabin Fever to chat and answer questions?

I'm a big fan of H&H. I've ordered from them since when they were still based out of NY. However they've never had a real storefront and for most of us, we would actually be skipping a closer, local brick and mortar fly shop in favor of H&H's low prices when we place an order. In fact, I'm sure more than a few B&M shops are glad to see them leave the fly tying materials business. As for the faceless mega stores, not sure who you mean. All the good online materials dealers are more like H&H than they are Cabela's or Amazon. They are also smaller than you think and all are local to somebody. They might not be at a PA show, but they might be at one somewhere else.

If Fly Fish Food, Jann's, Anglers Workshop, MRFC or any number of other online retailers exits the market, we should be equally dissapointed. They are all run by regular people and far from mega corporations.
Own 5 Hook & Hackle rods. Quality & price, excellent combination. I, not on purpose, snapped off last 1" of 2 wgt rod due to stupidity. H&H suggested I return rod for replacement, gracious, generous and unexpected. Replaced guide, still fishing rod.
It's for sure a bummer. I loved having them in town as second source for local stuff and they were always extremely nice and had great service. They were always competitive in pricing and stocking too and they were one of the sites I always checked when price comparing larger orders and almost always got an order from me. Low shipping rates too and they usually shipped same day although I'd have been fine with going down and picking it up.

The rod building portion I'm sure takes up x amount of overhead and from the sounds of it is doing quite well where as the materials business is only getting more complicated. There's a million products out there and most are pricey enough to be near impossible to keep stocked (thinking Hend's perdigons tinsel, semperfli straggle legs, stuff like that) especially when you're trying to stay relevant in price.

And ya stores like Fly Fish Food are bigger but like Kev said that's some people's church out in Utah. The market is larger and so is the shop, ton's of people would be devastated if they went under and if I'm not mistaken they recently were able to just start doing it full time.

I actually won a H&H 10' 3wt at the show which is going to be my GF's nymph rod. I'm super excited to try it out as I've never used one of their rods but so far just swinging around the yard it's as good as my Syndicate.

Sorry for the wall of text, at work nothing to do...
Here's a story about the type of customer service that H&H delivers. When I started getting into tying back in the '80's I ordered a bunch of material, I believe they were in Plattsburg, NY then. They were out of one of the items and issued a hand written credit slip for 49 cents. A few years ago I found that credit slip in the bottom of my tying materials, and as a joke I mailed it to them (now in Homestead) and ask that they honor it. Wouldn't you know it, they honored it and credited my account.