Holy Crap



Jun 9, 2011
Backstory: yesterday a guy approached me at work about me fly fishing. My dad told him that I was getting into it and he used to do it years ago. He has since quit and bought a boat to go striper fishing with his wife.

Today: I was at work for like 25 minutes and he walks in. "Hey I have something for you." I go outside to his car and he gives me two huge boxes of tying stuff. Hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. He said he had a guy that did this for him when he was getting started and wouldn't accept any payment. I am planning on getting him something to show my appreciation but I don't know what. Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen?
skcuf wrote:
I am planning on getting him something to show my appreciation but I don't know what.

As I learned from some nice older gentlemen around here, a bottle of Evan Walker. Of course with my luck, you're probably either 13 or Amish meaning recommending alchohol is probably frowned upon, but you should still have someone in your family procure a bottle for him. Unless he's also Amish. Then skip it.

I've had people give me stuff, never a major haul like that, but yeah, I've gotten things. I'm always grateful, and waiting for the day someone hands me a Hardy Perfect they don't fish with anymore.

The other good way to pay the guy back? When you're done thanking him profusely, let him know someday you'll look to do the same thing he did and pass it on to a new generation who'll apprechiate it.
Not me... I'm hoping it does!

Buy him a case of beer!
I don't know if he drinks though...Also, this is my place of work and:

A. I think it is frowned upon to bring in booze.

B. I have no way to keep a case of beer cold throughout the day.

Very good ideas though. Would be a good way to show appreciation if I can find a way to make it feasible. (I am 21 so these are possible options)
I have been lucky enough to have heritage provide with some materials and a starter vise and other things. I have since bought a new vise and more materials and have passed the old vise to my cousin who is beginning to tie. I believe in paying it forward.
skcuf wrote:
I don't know if he drinks though...Also, this is my place of work and:

A. I think it is frowned upon to bring in booze.

You need to find a new place to work!
Sounds like he works in a church or sumptin'? LOL! Just kidding...

I can't have booze where I work either. They frown upon us paramedic's having a nip in between 911 calls.
my Dad's cousin offered me a partridge skin in perfect condition last week but I couldn't take it because I know he'll use it. I took a bottle of his homemade wine though.

The best thing that you can do is split up the supplies and share them with all of us.
Another suggestion is to tie some of the best flies you can and display them nicely, shadow box, or something and give that to him as a thank you.

Oh, lookie DJ with the nice and proper response.
All good ideas. Thank you for your input everyone. I like the idea of the flies in the showcase. That is something I can bring into work without any issues...as far as I know lol
Better idea. Give the goodies to me. I will get him two bottles of booze. I don't work in the same place so no harm done.
See if there is any saddle hackle in there. Trade one or two saddles for a new striper boat on ebay, and give that to him. lol j/k
Might as well. I'm sure there are people stupid enough to do that out there.

So I think I have a pretty good idea. I was thinking a showcase with the stages of some of the popular flies: Mayfly, Caddisfly, Stonefly.

So again I could use everyone's help here. I'm not too sure on how many stages there are to each of these flies, or what the best fly to tie would be to correspond with each stage. I am going to do some research but I figure you guys can tell me just as good as an internet page and it will be more specific to this area as well.

Thanks for all the help everyone. I've never had anyone do anything like this for me before so I wasn't really sure how to go about it, but you guys are a great help
Which mayfly would you want to do? I vote green drake. all the way.

nymph emerger dun coffinfly

Caddis: Grannom

larva pupa emerger adult

Stonefly Golden.

Nymph and adult

Around here, I'd say those are the most well known. or march brown. I'd say go with larger flies, that way you can add a lot od detail!
Let's remember that I'm a lowly noob when it comes to tying and I can't do anything too spectacular. However, I plan on putting a lot of time into this so it looks nice for him. I was thinking of doing all of the flies in an oversized format. Like size 8-4 hooks so it looks better in presentation. Is this a good idea? Or is that something that would end up looking kind of stupid?
I think the bigger hooks thing is a cool idea simply for aesthetic purposes.