History of introduced trout species in Pennsylvania.



Feb 3, 2012
Does anyone know of any attempts in the past to introduce Non-Native trout species, other than Browns and Rainbows into Pennsylvania's waters?
There have been various efforts to introduce salmon (both Atlantic and Pacific versions) and steelhead into Erie/tribs as well as some other lakes and the Delaware River watershed with poor results outside Erie. I'm not sure about efforts to introduce cutthroat trout but it may have been attempted in some streams in the past (MD currently has them in the NB Potomac) but I don't know of any cutts being caught in PA in my lifetime. The lake trout is a native species and has been introduced into various deep reservoirs such as Raystown.
Pacific salmon,cohos I believe, were stocked in upper woods pond and Duck Harbor pond in Wayne County in the 1990s.
Not PA but before trout were stocked in MD millions of Atlantics were stocked in tribs of the North Branch of the potomac hoping they would return as a food source. Experiment failed with only one mature fish ever caught. Trout then became the focus.
Tups wrote:
Pacific salmon,cohos I believe, were stocked in upper woods pond and Duck Harbor pond in Wayne County in the 1990s.
I believe they were Kokanee Salmon.
Cornholio wrote:
Does anyone know of any attempts in the past to introduce Non-Native trout species, other than Browns and Rainbows into Pennsylvania's waters?
Atlantic Salmon were put in the Delaware River in the late 1800's and I actually met a guy who's father used to catch them, he has photos of them.
Salmon have been tried elsewhere in PA, as well as steelhead with very little success outside of lake Erie, and it probably has only been successful there because they put millions of fingerlings into the tributaries.
PFBC should be more focused on restoring native fishes to place they've disappeared from than stocking hatchery novelties.