Historical stocking records



Active member
Jun 9, 2016
Morning... can someone direct me to a site with historical PA stocking data? I'm looking for info on a particular stream and can't locate what i want on the PFBC site.
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What kind of info are you looking for?
If it's a stream that you're not afraid to "spot burn", good chance that someone on this site would be able to help you
It would be hard to spot burn a stocked trout stream, if trout info is what the op is seeking. Hitorical warmwater/coolwater fish stocking info for streams, rivers, and lakes going back to about 1990 can typically be found on the PFBC web site. Earlier than that involves a year by year search of the binders that harbor those paper records. The electronic system crashed a year or more ago and I don’t know if those records are back up and running yet. I have not checked.

As for stream by stream historical adult trout stocking records, good luck with that. Had someone asked for that when I had them available to me for SE Pa I would have had to search year by year through the paper files to develop a historical record. I am not aware of any electronic data for adult trout that compared to those for fry, fingerling, and adult warmwater/coolwater species and for fingerling trout.
Not concerned so much about spot burning per se, but will keep it non-specific: I'm looking at a stream in Chester county and some adjacent tribs and trying to figure out if or when they may have stocked last. I'm really only interested in maybe the last 10 to 15 years at most.
Based on Mike's response I think I'm SOL.
Not concerned so much about spot burning per se, but will keep it non-specific: I'm looking at a stream in Chester county and some adjacent tribs and trying to figure out if or when they may have stocked last. I'm really only interested in maybe the last 10 to 15 years at most.
Based on Mike's response I think I'm SOL.
Are you trying to determine how many times and on what specific dates this mysterious Chesco stream was stocked in the past...


...IF this mysterious Chesco stream was just ON the stocking list, AKA the Stocked Trout /Approved Trout Waters List in a given year.

If it's the former, good luck...

If it's the latter, previous year Summaries will at least tell you if the stream was listed, maybe not always by section like it is done now, but by name. That won't tell you specifically when or how many times it was stocked, just that it was SUPPOSED to be stocked.

If that works for you, I have Summaries going back to 1973, send me a message what stream you are looking for info on and I'll do some research for you...

...later today. ;)
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The only Chester Co stream sections or portions thereof taken off the stocking list in the past 15 yrs were the lower section of Little Valley Ck and a major portion of the lower section of French Ck., both due to posting. The stocking rate (#/acre) as a result was reduced in the rest of the section because the avg width in the rest of the section unfortunately qualified it for the “small river” classification. The upper portion of the section that was lost had a narrower width that had kept the overall section width just below the small river category. “Rivers” are stocked at a lower rate. Another section of French Ck was temporarily removed for a yr or two to accommodate a road construction project. During the same time period PFBC stocking was expanded downstream on the E Br Brandywine when a cooperative nursery lost some of its trout production capacity.

By the way, I pulled that info out of my head. That filing system may fade in the future😉
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