Hinged indicator method



Well-known member
Jan 6, 2022
Has anyone tried this strike indicator setup — yarn indicator above a non-slip mono loop tied to a tippet ring to allow the fly to hinge? I think I’m going to give this a try tomorrow.

When I nymph with an indicator, I often use a short, stout leader section to roll over the indicator, but the business end is typically a straight shot of tippet. The tippet ring works well, but as CRB noted, before using rings, the knot between, say, 0 to 2X leader and the 4 or 5X tippet basically did the same thing.
This looks like it would be great on Erie trips for steelhead. I have been using rings for several years now and they work great. That being said I always do a direct tie. Plan to change it up and give this a try.
I've used that from a boat on big water or something similar to it. I now use an abomination that uses an adjustable leader and a tip it ring. It's a real joy to cast too 😳
I might try it but with two loops instead of a tippet ring...

Fussing with those things and my fat fingers anywhere other than over an empty bucket in my basement is always going to turn out bad.

The other option would be to use a bigger tippet ring and permanently knot it to the end of the leader/leader butt at home and stash a few of those with the rest of my leaders.

Then I can make the loop in the tippet material which I CAN do with my fat fingers standing in the middle of a creek. ;)
Fussing with those things and my fat fingers anywhere other than over an empty bucket in my basement is always going to turn out bad.
Try tying the tippet ring to your leader/tippet while the tippet ring is still on the snap clip. Otherwise, you are definitely asking for trouble. If you can tie a fly on, then you can tie a tippet ring on.
I know that trick and I was using safety pins before they started peddling tippet rings on snap clips...

...but even those snap clips are a PIA to fumble around with with a rod tucked under my arm, fish jumping, bugs flying around my face and cigar smoke blowing back in my eyes... ;)

As far as tying a fly on, I've been using one of these on a zinger forever to hold my flies while tying them on my tippet:

Pomona Electronics Minigrabber   Copy Page 1
If I had to pick up the flies I use most often and hold them in my fingers to knot them on...

... I would be fishing nothing but streamers. ;)
If the indicator angle is 90 degrees doesn't that mean it's moving the same speed as the flies. I use whatever style/weight indicator the situation needs but I've never thought any of them were 90 degrees, am I missing something?
Still having a hard time figuring out how a hinge gives you any real advantage. I guess in shallow waters where your indicator is close to your fly it may be easier to put the fly in the right spot.