High School Wood Shop Students Make Bamboo Fly Rods



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
What a great idea!

The students can learn a lot, end up with a really nice item, and go fishing with it.

troutbert wrote:
What a great idea!

The students can learn a lot, end up with a really nice item, and go fishing with it.


^ Very nice idea! I would have been all over that if it were offered to me in school. And in Bellefonte, it's a no brainer.....
I like it. Beats the three legged stool and paper roll note taker thing I built in wood shop. One thing though, isn't Tonkin bamboo from china? I guess it could be farmed in Washington state though.
poopdeck wrote:
One thing though, isn't Tonkin bamboo from china? I guess it could be farmed in Washington state though.

Washington could be the location of the importer.

At any rate, I hope they complete their rods. I had seriously considered trying to build a cane fly rod in my high school shop class and it was way beyond the technical capabilities of our wood shop.
Cool. Thanks for the link.

It's reassuring to see that schools still have woodshop and that students are engaged and doing creative things with their hands and physical tools.