Hi everyone!


New member
Oct 23, 2023
York, PA
Hi , I wanted to take the opportunity to briefly introduce myself.

I am 37 and live in York. I came to the US about 4.5 years ago for work. I'm originally from Austria (great trout fishing there, but PRICY).
I started fly fishing here in PA and have since targeted may different species (trout, LMB/SMB/, panfish, etc).

About 50/50 of the times I wade or kayak. Kayaking has been great to explore and have a good time out.
Occasionally I switch to spin fishing like last weekend when I was lucky to catch a pike and a musk in one afternoon.

Fishing in PA, and the whole US, is AWESOME!

Looking forward to exploring this forum and getting to know you.
Welcome to the site from a born and bred central New Yorker! Been tying for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 13+. Feel free to check one out if you'd like - ALWAYS love to see new faces!

I look forward to seeing your posts as you, like me, love to fish for warm and cold water species. I have a lot of "box-of-chocolates" lakes/ponds/gravel pits here in my area (along with a few wine trails - but that's another story!). These are bodies fed and drained by the same stream/river. In certain areas you can cast and never quite know what is going to hit your offering!


One of the best things about US is all of the open public land whether utilized for hiking, hunting, fishing, birding, etc....When compared to other countries I've fished in, there is no comparison to the US with regards to acres of public land and cost to fish on said land.
Welcome. York area has some good fly fishing opportunities. I am trying to think of where you would have encountered both pike and Musky? Maybe Lake Marburg? A few pike do show up in the river also. Good luck Fishing.
Welcome. I visited the Austrian alps and was in complete awe of the blue green water. I've never seen water like that anywhere. our brown water must have taken some getting use to.