Hey.. is this a brown trout?



May 6, 2011
Caught this guy today in a hole I've fished many times before. Put on a great fight, but that spot pattern had me wondering if I really had a brown at all. This isn't nearly as pretty as any other tiger trout I've seen, but I will admit he got me wondering. I've caught a few that fooled me for a minute or two, but this is one I'd definitely like others' opinions on.

Brown trout? Tiger trout? Pumpkinseed/Muskellunge hybrid?



It's a brown trout.
That type of blended spotting is not common but you'll see it from time to time, esp in certain batches of hatchery fish.
I agree, one of many rare variations.
I agree it's a Brown Trout.
Thanks for the answers! I definitely was leaning brown, but now I'm glad others agree with me
Yeah, definitely a Brown, no question.

Agree with what FI said about the pattern. There was a seemingly larger proportion than normal of Browns with this kind of pattern stocked in 2011 I think. I remember catching several like that from Manada and the Quittie that Spring. Goro's is probably a little small for a 2011 holdover, but possible I suppose. I didn't catch many stockies this Spring, so I can't really confirm if there were a bunch with that pattern this year too, but it's possible.
I have caught those ugly browns in Manada many times. Cant decided if the fish wants to be a brown a brook or a tiger.
Genetically Manipulated? They have a Bull Trout look to them , They have Bull genes. We can call 'em "Levis" When i lived in E-Town i used to fish Manada around Edde Rayers and there were some wild browns around , red fin tips , red spots , nice couple of tribs in that area too , just watch out for the Hum-V's n the Tanks.
The fish in the first pic was taken in the ATW of Clarks Creek (Dauphin).

I can confirm that similar patterns have been spotted, especially at Manada:

But I'd just never seen it quite so pronounced. Now I have!
Here's one from the Farmington River. Similar markings. I've never really paid attention before.


  • farmington river brown.jpg
    farmington river brown.jpg
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I've cught wild fish that have that blended spot pattern.
Yea not sure what they're doing at the hatchery on Clark's but this year I've seen the craziest looking fish. Sum were half golden rainbow half normal trout. Sum a qtr vice versa. I also seen a trout that was black. And this all after the hatchery stocked.
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
Yea not sure what they're doing at the hatchery on Clark's but this year I've seen the craziest looking fish. Sum were half golden rainbow half normal trout. Sum a qtr vice versa. I also seen a trout that was black. And this all after the hatchery stocked.

The Dauphin County Anglers on Clarks is just another Cooperative nursery. Its not a "hatchery". They get fingerlings from the PF&BC and feed them to catchable size. So the genetics of the fish are the function of the PF&BC, not the DCA.
Well regardless there is some messed up looking fish in there this year. Thanks for info as usual Maurice