Hey Dude! Who stole my stream? Foul waters in SE PA.


Apr 19, 2007
For the first time in many years I have been noticing a distinctive change in the odor of local streams. I have visited streams in Chester, Lancaster, York, and Cumberland counties this year, and have found that many of them smell, for lack of a better word, septic. That is, like cesspools.

I'm certain this has someting to do with water levels and the lack of purgative fresh water moving into these streams and rivers. However, I wonder if the levels of toxicity have spiked this year. Does anyone know if any organizations have produced any data on the increased toxicity of local waters?

Has anyone else noticed the smell? Also algae blooms in local lakes also seem more frequent and intense. As I just imagining things or is this a real trend?
Its called lack of water...higher temperatures...but don't worry about it...I kep hearing that global warming is really junk science anyway.
I've seen low before -- I'm actually getting miserably old; however, I don't remember the stink. I was thinking fertilizers, non-point inflow, and perhaps straight-up agricultural waste with no flow to wash it out.
Dilution is the solution to water pollution. :-D
Hey Ginky,
When was the last time you cleaned out your vest. Could just be some old food or waste you put in a bag. I've also had gas i dont remember releasing that gets trapped in the waders and then about knocks me out an hour later. Just kidding. I have smelled the stank on the Conodeguinet in the past during low levels. Haven't been there this summer but I wouldn't be surprised if it is stinkin!
how many of those streams have a sewer plant on them.??? could be the culprit during low water......or maybe your fishin buddy needs a shower....
Global Warming is here!! unless you are employed by a oil company! then you have to deny it. And the earth is very overpopulated. Most agree that 500 mil would be OK and the limit, but now we have twelve times that many!! Over 6 billion!
The fishing has been going downhill for the last 20 years, but we still go fishing.......... we have to do something we love to do.
I smell the stink also, but I still flyfish anyway. The rich capitalists will tell ya to buy a couple thousand acres of Montana streams....... or just fly to Alaska every weekend and the fishing will be fine!
Just pretend it's not there and everything will be fine. Everything is relative, you can still enjoy your local waters. Even a couple sick fish is fun to catch with a lite flyrod!
Soon fishing will only be a memory! So enjoy while you can.