Here is the problem, do we need all of this?



Active member
Jan 11, 2009
I went to fish yesterday.

Today I opened my bag to dry and clean (you should clean it once a week or so – right?) and holly crap!
Who needs that?
ff should be simple!
body said “drop this bag somewhere in the river and start collect again”, whoodya think?…

(I haven’t show more stuff of like maps, boxes, all sorts of plastic bags,beverages, unused food or empty beverages bottles)


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No. No you don't.

Its summer time, I'm down to a lanyard with four spools of tippet, a 2"x3" box, a clipper, and a hemostat. A larger box is helpful, I'm still trying to find the right one.

FWIW, the hemo has a scissors in it, but they're just not as convienent as the clipper. I'll just deal with the extra quarter ounce.

That, one rod, and a reel.


I'm down to no vest, no bag. I may carry more for a full day, but my typical outing:

1. Richardson. Holds flies and leader within, nippers, hemostat, and license are hooked to the strap.
2. 2-3 spools of tippet in wader pocket.
3. Rod (already strung)
4. The uniform (waders, wading shoes, hat, sunglasses)

Keys and a can of snuff in pockets under the waders. Camera if I'm in the mood.

3 size 2 streamers in a plastic plastic worm ziplock bag ,spool of 8 pound tippet material[for the fish.]
candy bars
T paper in ziplock bag.
6 cylinder defense item
bladed defense item
car keys
wallet in ziplock bag.
folding net in plastic holster on wading belt
wading staff
uniform of the night
A nice collection of knives there sky. Did you really pull out 2 cameras and an ipod? That's a good laugh to start my day off with.
Looks like the contents of my VEST PACK!

I went fishing with a buddy from work and he commented that I looked like as astronaut on a moon landing with all the stuff I carry...:oops:

Next time out, take three quarters of that junk and leave it at home and see if you miss anything.

A lanyard with hemos,nippers,tippet,line straightener-throw in some weight,napkins, indicator and a camera in you waders pocket and a fly box or two in a shirt pocket or jacket is all I could ever need.

Get a water bottle holder to attach to your wading belt and your ready for a flyfishing adventure of a lifetime.

Good luck.
afishinado wrote:
I went fishing with a buddy from work and he commented that I looked like as astronaut on a moon landing with all the stuff I carry...:oops:

Heritage Angler puts on 40# and a foot of circumfrence everytime he dons that body armour he wears. I think he can deflect bullets with fly boxes layered into the pockets.

Don't you guys get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to sort through, or lost in the details of ten thousand different flies? Its a real question, btw, not just fanning flames.
gfen wrote:
afishinado wrote:
I went fishing with a buddy from work and he commented that I looked like as astronaut on a moon landing with all the stuff I carry...:oops:

Heritage Angler puts on 40# and a foot of circumfrence everytime he dons that body armour he wears. I think he can deflect bullets with fly boxes layered into the pockets.

Don't you guys get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to sort through, or lost in the details of ten thousand different flies? Its a real question, btw, not just fanning flames.

Nope Gary, I've worn the vestpack so long, I can close my eyes and still find any item I need. My fly boxes are labeled and I can also go to the right pocket and find any fly I need.
gfen wrote:

Don't you guys get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to sort through, or lost in the details of ten thousand different flies?

I do...i've found as i've expanded my tying skills and started carrying more flies, I get paralyzed with choices... I do better when i stick to my few trusted patterns and concentrate on presentation.

(but yes - i DO fish things other than bhpts lol) - still...i catch 95% of my fish on 5 or 6 different flies. So i carry loads of those, and then a bunch of "just in case" flies that i rarely if ever use.

For me, its a matter of avoiding the paralyzing pouring over the fly box...keeping those "just in case" boxes well out of the way unless i need them.
Im down to my lanyard and a couple boxes of flies, but if im fishing somewhere that im not familiar with I bring everything in the truck just in case.
It's like where's waldo.

Can you find 19 spools of tippet, 3 cameras, 2 packages of indicators, 10 leaders, 2 bundles of rope, and 2 sources of light.... READY GO!!
"It's only as complicated as you want it to be" do you really carry all that around, all the time? An I thought my sling pack was to full.
To hold the 10 reels, duh.
I count 11 lol

That one's a spare, in case one of the other ten gets wet.
I am all for the bare necessities myself...

I have started using a large tote to carry my wading shoes, waders, wading jacket, and other things for trips. Keeps it all organized and is easy to carry around, not to mention keeps things clean when the day is over. Get home, hang my waders and jacket, spary with febreeze. Walk-in closet is never a mess. Could be the ocd though

u have too much #OOPS# dude.
I keep everything I take FF in a wader/equipment bag. It contains my waders, vest, Richardson chest box, net, leader making supplies, a hat and space for a couple reels. When I decide to go FF I just grab the bag and go. The only thing I have to check is to make sure I have the right reel for the rod I will use that day. I carry my wading boots separate from the rest of the gear because of course they are wet. They have a place on a metal shelf in the garage. I can decide to go FF and be on the road in five minutes or less. Keeping all your gear ready also means you don't forget things that you should have brought. Any gear I don't want to carry stays in the Jeep, but handy if I need it. Once home the boots go on the shelf and the waders get hung up. The bag goes on a shelf and I'm done.