Hemlock/Porcupine Creek - Venango County, PA



New member
Jun 18, 2024
Venango County, PA
Hello everyone. I am a new member, but I have been reading threads about Hemlock and Porcupine creeks in Venango County, PA for a little while. I am starting to understand the area a little better, as I moved to a place about 10 minutes from Hemlock creek last year.

Last weekend, I ventured to Reese Run (trib to Hemlock) to search for the combination of brook/brown/rainbows that the watershed is known for. I was able to catch a handfull of brookies, but not others. My boyfriend did catch this rainbow a decent ways up the stream - I was wondering if this is stocked or wild? PFBC stocks browns in Hemlock, but I don't believe they put in rainbows. It looks like a stocked fish to me, but I am wondering how the heck it got that far up Reese.

IMG 8802

I am now seeing that I should focus on Porcupine for the wild rainbows, according to reports in the forums. I am looking for some advice about accessing the area. I know that there used to be an issue with leases around the President area. Am I able to park at the mouth of Porcupine (the bridge) and fish up, or is that land now private around the camps? Looking at maps, I think that whole area is a public access conservation easement. I figured someone on here might know a little more about this situation.
Am I able to park at the mouth of Porcupine (the bridge) and fish up, or is that land now private around the camps? Looking at maps, I think that whole area is a public access conservation easement. I figured someone on here might know a little more about this situation.
Yes, you can do that. I've done it numerous times over the years without any issues. There's one spot near the camps/homes where a foot bridge goes over Porcupine with No Trespassing signs. I just walk through the woods a bit to get around it.

I've actually had pleasant conversations with a couple of owners along the stream. One real nice guy, after showing him pics of caught and released trout, even invited me to stop by his place when I'm out there next. Nice folks.

Regarding that rainbow, it looks like a stocker to me, somehow. Of all the wild bows I've caught on Porcupine/Hemlock, they always had noticeable pink on the fins, this one doesn't. They often have par marks as well. I love those streams, it's just a shame they're a 6+ hour drive!
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The RT looks stocked to me. While, as you say, Hemlock is not stocked with RT, there are several stocked, direct tribs to the river in the East Hickory to Oil City section that do get planted rainbows. Your Reese Run RT could easily be from one of these streams. Generally, quite a few stocked catchables find their way to the river and travel/disperse from there..