Help with Searching the Forums Please



Jan 28, 2007
I tried searching the forums for my posts. I entered MD_Gene in the search box and clicked search. It found many of my posts but it did not find my post, for example, where I posted a rod for sale in the SWAP forum. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
What I do to find mine is :
On the right side of the forum theres a section called User Menu, under that pick "view Account"
In there you will be able to see all your posts.
I hope this helps.
Gene, if it was an old post and you announced the items was sold, it may have been deleted.

And with your post count, it shouldn't be hard to scan all you posts for the one you are looking for.

Is This It?
Thanks, I was able to find mine. But being part techno-geek and inquiring minds want to know, I wonder why search is not complete?
Thanks, I was able to find mine. But being part techno-geek and inquiring minds want to know, I wonder why search is not complete?

Also, I know my for sale post is there and active but was not found in the search???
Searching for your name as a keyword will not turn up all your posts. You would have to search the word "Orvis" for instance and then fill in your name in the poster field. You want to look at the "Advanced Search" form.